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Урок "Следует ли родителям выбирать друзей для своих детей-подростков?"

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Автор: Сидорова Елена Юрьевна

Цель урока: развитие навыков построения аргументированного высказывания по теме.
Познавательная задача: знакомство с точкой зрения психолога-эксперта по семейным отношениям Майкла Томпсона по проблеме, обсуждаемой на уроке.
Развивающие задачи:
1) Развитие критического мыщления.
2) Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления.
3) Развитие логики высказывания, умения систематизировать свои знания, высказывать свое мнение и обосновывать свою точку зрения.
Воспитательные задачи:
1) Формирование способности разрешать конфликтные ситуации.
2) Воспитание толерантности к позиции, отличной от своей.
Учебные задачи:
1) Развитие навыков аудирования с пониманием основного содержания.
2) Развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения.
3) Развитие навыков спонтанной речи.
Формируемые УУД:
Личностные – способность оценивать содержание (исходя из социальных и личностных ценностей), обеспечивающая личностный моральный выбор при разрешении данной конфликтной ситуации.
Регулятивные – волевая саморегуляция (способность к мобилизации сил и энергии при необходимости выбора в ситуации мотивационного конфликта). 
Коммуникативные УУД - инициативное сотрудничество в поиске и сборе информации, разрешение конфликтов (выявление, идентификация проблемы, поиск и оценка альтернативных способов разрешения конфликта, принятие решения), умение оформлять свои мысли в устной форме.
Познавательные УУД – построение логической цепи рассуждений.
Речевойматериал: продуктивный –a row, argument, cope with, talk through, conflict, fake, provoke, to quarrel with, to ignore someone’s opinions, to keep a sense of humour, to listen to others, to make fun of, to find a solution, to shout at to talk about, to discuss a conflict/argument, problem, to be angry/ upset/ disappointed/ embarrassed, /sad /aggressive /rude, In my opinion, I think, To my mind, what do you think about…? It’s a good idea to … Do you mean that…? I feel strongly against… I am absolutely positive  that…Оборудование:  интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, подключенный к Интернету, листы ватмана, магнитная доска, раздаточный материал, маркеры, учебник 10 классa УМК Биболетова М.З.

Ход урока

1. Фаза урока – фаза вызова:
Цель – актуализировать личный опыт и знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка, подготовить к восприятию информации урока)
Teacher: (Слайд 1) Hello, friends! (Привет, друзья!)
(Слайд 2) Look at the picture and guess what we are going to discuss today. (Посмотрите на картинку и догадайтесь, что мы собираемся обсудить сегодня.)
(Слайд 3) Let’s speak on some family issues concerning teenagers and adults. (Давайте поговорим на семейные темы, касающиеся подростков и взрослых.)
(Слайд 4) What do you associate with “family”? (Что у вас ассоциируется со словом «семья»?)
(Possible answers: love, nuclear family, extended family, parents, relationships, conflicts, support, children, problems etc.- Возможные ответы: любовь, маленькая семья, большая семья, родители, отношения, конфликты, поддержка, дети, проблемы и т.д.)
Упражнение проводится как «мозговой штурм» (brainstorm activity). Работа проводится со всем классом. Составляется ассоциограмма.
What kind of family do you live in?
Imagine that you are married. What kind of family would you like to have? Why?
It’s good to have a family round you, isn’t it? Or it may be better to live alone. What would you choose?
(Слайд 5) You have mentioned that all families have problems. I dare to say that almost all families have the same problems. What reasons do you think course conflicts between parents and teenagers?
(Possible answers:
Student 1: Parents don’t understand teens’ needs, wishes and problems.
Student 2: In my opinion parents always embarrass their teenagers and make their friends awkward, when they tell their children “You are not allowed to hang about with them anymore”.
Student 3: Some parents think we are too lazy. They say we can’t live without them. 
Student 4: In my family we don’t argue too much but sometimes my mum is angry with my appearance and music I listen to. 
Student 5: They don’t like my friends and it is the main reason we have arguments on.)
2. Фаза урока – фаза осмысления содержания:
(Цель - сопоставить  новую информацию с уже имеющимися знаниями и опытом; акцентировать внимание на поиск ответов на возникшие вопросы и затруднения)
Teacher: As I can summarize just all teenagers have conflicts with adults from time to time. One of the problems is that parents interfere in the relationships with their teen’s friends. May be if they could choose friends for their children, there were fewer conflicts in the family. What do you think? We should find out the opinion of everyone. I ask you to raise your hands if you support the idea. Let’s count… Who is against? Let’s count… Let’s put down the score.
(Слайд 6) Group work (работавгруппах): Now try to explain your opinion. Find the arguments. Put them down on the sheets of paper.
Прием  «Таблицааргументов»


Yes, because…

No, because…

Parents should choose their teenagers’ friends.



(Слайд 7) Teacher: But teens used to make terrible friends and can get into a bad company. I’ve got a son and I’m also worried. Would you help me to find arguments in my discussion with my son why I should take part in choosing friends for him? What can I say to him? Write the arguments for me on the other sheets of paper.


Yes, because…

No, because…

Parents should choose their teenagers’ friends.



Аудирование с пониманием основного содержания
Teacher: I suggest our listening to one of the great experts in parenting psychology, Michael Thompson. After listening you will answer 2 questions: (Слайд 8)

  1. What is his opinion on the problem? Should parents choose their teenagers’ friends?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with him? Why?

Look at the list of some words that you may not know.
self-esteem – самоуважение, чувство собственного достоинства
underlyingassumptionосновное предположение
tomicromanageконтролировать каждый шаг
to be drawn to… - тянуться к…
influenceисточник влияния
tocut(здесь) – помешать
overчрезмерно, излишне
todrive(здесь) – доводить до состояния

  1. What is his opinion on the problem? Should parents choose their teenagers’ friends?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with him? Why? (Слайд 9)

Teacher: According to psychologist’s opinion I shouldn’t choose friends for my son. But I’m a responsible parent and want to have some influence on my child’ life. What would you advise me as a parent to do in such a situation?
(Слайд 10) Please, read some tips for teens’ parents and pick the best out.
Ознакомительное чтение (понять текст в целом, выделить основные факты, отделить их от второстепенных)
Tips for Teens’ Parents
Get to know the parents of your children’s friends. When your teen begins to “hang” with a new kid, get the phone number, call the parents. Communicate regularly with the parents of your teen’s friend. When teens make plans staying at another teen’s house, make sure that you have a parent-to-parent communication to exchange the information.
Establish the “Three W” rule. Teens need to tell you where they are going, who they will be with, and when they will be back. Adults generally do the same for each other. You don’t need minute details, just what is being planned for the evening. If something happens, your child can be easily found.
Respect privacy (личная жизнь), but don’t accept secretive behavior. It’s important to your teen’s sense of independence to have some privacy, but he or she must learn the difference between privacy and secrecy. Your kids do have a right to talk with friends privately, to keep a diary, and to have time alone. But if your teen starts being evasive ([] склонный к уловкам), get busy. Calmly (спокойно), firmly (твёрдо), steadily (постоянно) insist that you have a right to know who their friends are and what they are doing together. Talk to teachers about who your kid’s friends are.
Tips for Teens’ Parents
Talk regularly with your kids about their choice of friends. Kids often don’t realize that they’ve fallen in with bad company. They like to think that they see something positive in a kid that everyone knows as a bad boy. They are teens, after all! Keep lines of communication with your child open so that you can talk about their relationships.
Support your child’s positive involvement in sport or other activity. Generally, kids develop a friendship circle around them. This could be the football team, the dance studio or the skateboarding club. Show your interest in your teen’s activity. Let your child and his or her group know that you are willing to put your time, money, and energy into supporting healthy activity.
Get a profile on your teen’s social network. Does your child have a profile on a social network such as vkontakte or Facebook? If so, do you have a profile there? This is a great safety measure as well as a way to connect with your child. You can send email and comments, read his profile and share videos. This is particularly good if you are having trouble making the face to face connection. These social networks are a good place to start.
Tips for Teens’ Parents
Keep an open door policy. Let your child know that he can come to you at any time to talk about anything. This is important for a good parent/teen relationship. When they come to you with something, stop and take the time to listen to them and talk to them. Your child must feel that he can come to you at any time for anything.
Spend time with your children, but not on your terms (условия), on theirs. If they like concerts, go with them. Have a family movie night and let your children choose the film to watch. You can have one night where a child chooses the film and another night where an adult chooses it. The important thing is to meet the teens on their level, on their terms. It’ll show that you are taking an interest in them, in their lives and their world.
Set the best example. Yes, we are actually our children’s role models! They act to what they see and observe. They will imitate what we do, say or behave. Try to discipline yourself. Take bad habits away and live a happy life. Learn how to control your own temper. Remember that your actions will be the best lesson you can give to them.
Teacher: What advice is the best?
3. Фаза урока – фаза рефлексии:
(Цель – обобщить материал, подвести итоги).
(Слайд 11) СтратегияРАФТ:   Imagine that you are teachers and you should make a speech at a parenting conference. What would you tell your parents?                   
Роль: учитель или психолог     
Аудитория: родители   
Форма: выступление на родительском собрании (конференции)     
Тема: «Должны ли родители выбирать друзей для своих детей-подростков?»
Teacher: Thank you for your participation in our conference. And now let’s sing a song together that will help you to make friends.
http://listenlearnmusic.com/2010/01/making-friends-step-by-step-song.html (Making friends)
Домашнее задание: на выбор – на оценку «5» -
Comment on the following statement.
Some people believe that parents should choose their teenagers’ friends because they are the nearest and dearest for their children. They know best of all what is necessary for their son or daughter. Others are sure that parents shouldn’t make decisions instead of their children.
What is your opinion? 
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:

  • give a general statement of the problem;
  • outline the points FOR;
  • outline the points AGAINST;
  • draw a conclusion weighting up the points outlined.

 - на оценку «4» -
Should parents choose their teenagers’ friends? What is your opinion? Write down your answer orexpress it in the chat (http://sch64.ru/blog/teachers/behtereva/1608/).

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