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Воспитательный час "A healthy way of life"

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Автор: Абдуллина Гульчачак Динартовна

Сегодня личность ребенка и его внутренний мир являются центромвнимания, и основной задачей современного учителя является выбор методов и форм организации учебной деятельности учащихся, которые оптимально развивают личность ученика. Учитель обязан активизировать познавательную деятельность учащегося в процессе обучения  иностранным языкам, создать условия практического овладения языком для каждого учащегося, выбрать такие методы обучения, которые позволили бы каждому ученику проявить свою активность, свое творчество.
Одним из основныхнаправлений моей работы является использование информационно-коммуникационных технологий для создания наглядных пособий через подбор иллюстраций и презентаций.
Являясьэффективным способом визуализации  учебного материала, презентация дает возможность варьировать способы его подачи, приспосабливая его к конкретным учащимся с разным уровнем подготовки, способностей и интересов.
Применениеинформационно-коммуникационных технологий в изучении иностранного языка, несомненно, имеет большое практическое значение, а именно:
- являетсяэффективным средством визуализации учебного материала, позволяя учителю реализовать свой творческий потенциал;
- помогает учителюв осуществлении личностно-ориентированного подхода к  обучению;
- способствуетрасширению кругозора учащихся и повышению их культурного уровня;
- являетсясредством повышения мотивации к изучению  предмета;
- стимулируетпоисковую и деятельность ученика и способствует развитию его творческих
Цель урока: изучениенового материала по теме: «Healthywayoflife»
- закрепить лексические навыки по теме «Healthy way of life»;
- практиковать речевую деятельность;
- развивать навыки участия в созданиимини-проекта;
- способствовать развитию мышления,догадки учащихся;
- способствовать развитию уменийспонтанного говорения;
- развитие творческих способностейучащихся;
- способствовать умению анализировать;
- способствовать повышению мотивации кизучению иностранного языка;
- способствовать воспитанию у учащихсявнимательности;
- способствовать созданию условий длякоммуникации и работы в команде;
- воспитывать  у учащихся интерес к здоровому  образу жизни, отказа от вредных привычек.
Тип урока: урокизучения нового материала
Оборудование: доска,проектор, экран, презентация, компьютер, раздаточный материал
                                                                                                                Ход урока
1. Начало урока
1)  Приветствие
- Good morning!
- How are you today? 
- I’m glad that you are all fine!
2. Центральнаячасть
1) Введение в тему     
Today our lesson is devoted to a very important problem. As you know some people are
healthy, some people are unhealthy. Health is the most precious things in people’s life. We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keepit. In order to be healthy weshould follow some special rules. The series of pictures on the screen will
help you to guess what we are going to speak about. 
- What can you see in the first picture? 
- What can you see in the second picture? 
- What can you see in the third picture? 
- Now look at all these pictures at once. Whatdo they represent? Can you guess what we are going to speak about? 
P. A Healthy Way of Life 
T. Right you are. So today we are going to speak about our health, about what we should do to be healthy and about doctors, because they help us to be healthy. 
The English people say:“Health is the best wealth”. They are right!
2)  AR Guide(Приложение№1)
By the way, I think you know enough about what people do to be healthy.  
I`ll give you papers with statements. At thefirst column you see the word “BEFORE” and here you`ll write your first предположение, there are statements at the second colulmn,first of all you should read them, and at the third column you see the word “AFTER”,
you`ll do it after reading the text. So now your task is to read the statements
and at the first column write TRUE or FALSE. If you agree you write TRUE, if
you don`t you write FALSE. Is everything clear? Let`s start then.
  You should do morning exercises to be fit.  
  You should eat more fruit and vegetables and less sugar and fat.  
  You can read or watch TV when you eat.  
  If you burn more calories, you lose more weight.  
  You should drink a lot of water.  
  You can eat any time you want.  
  Diets that are too strict can make you fatter.  
  Diet pills sometimes work.  
  Fruit is better than juice.  
  Only swimming and jogging can help you burn calories.    
Well, that`s enough I think.Now I suggest you to read the next leaflet. Some phrases have been left out of
the text. Choose from phrases A-I below to complete the gaps. There is one
you`re not going t need. “How to live to be 100”(приложение №1)
1)   Пословицы
Now open yourcopybooks and you can see there proverbs about health, so read them and
translate one by one. (Приложение №3)
- Tastes differ. - О вкусах не спорят.
- An apple a day keeps the
doctoraway. - Кто по яблоку в день
съедает, у того доктор
не бывает.
- The appetite comes with
eating. - Аппетит приходит во
время еды.
- Every vegetable has its
season.- Каждый овощ имеет
своё время года
- After dinner sit a while,
after supper walk a mile. - После обеда посиди
немного, после ужина с
милю пройдись.
- Too much butter won’t
spoil the porridge. - Кашу маслом не
Round table
Now you shouldwork in pairs of four. The task for you is to make a dialogue about health
using these proverbs as much as you can.
2)   Закрепление
I`m sure that you can distinguish badand useful habbits. And now your task is to make Health Code. The first team
will discuss and tell us what we should do tobe healthy and the second team will tell us what we shouldn’t do. I will give
you two marker pens so you can tick the right points in your leafsheets. 
Get up early and go to bed early 
Wash your hands before eating 
Watch TV too long 
Go in for sports 
Clean your teeth once a day 
Sleep enough 
Take a cold shower 
Eat too many sweets 
Spend much time indoors 
Eat between meals 
Air the room 
3)  Беседа про витамины
Also we should to eat vitamins. So, now, let`s listen to your classmatesthey prepared some information about vitamins.
4) Беседапро упражнения
Sothe others tell us why do we need exercise?
5) Беседа про табакокурение и алкоголь
NowI suggest you to wide your knowledge and give some reasons of preventing
smoking and alcohol. Let`s listen to the next pupils.
6)  Проектнаяработа(Talkingmat)
Todayyou get enough information about healthy way of life. I think? Now it`s easy
for you to distinguish what can harm your health and what can make you strong,
healthy and beautiful. That`s why I suggest to do the poster “Healthy way of
life”. There are a lot of pens,felt-tip pens  at the table and the material from thepresentation.
1step(2минуты 30 сек.) – take a sheet of paper A2 and write down the theme“Healthy way of life” to the centre. I give you 30 s.to think over about it.
Nowwrite down your thoughts as much as you can to the poster(everything what you
think about it). Don`t speak, it`s individual work.
2step(по 2 минуты) – now put down your pens, stand up, come to theothers and have look their works. Also you should find the interconnection
between words and write down the questions(смотрите на презентацию).
3step – take your sits please. I suppose you saw new ideas and get some new
information. So now look through your talking mat, look at the interconnections
and questions and try to discuss to answer them(3 минуты). The time is over. Now one by one come up to theblackboard, show your work to the others, tell about it answering to the
1. Рефлексия
1) Итоги
Now I`d like you to thinkabout what you knew before and what you know after our lesson(30 s.)
Today I liked your work and your analyzes. The lessonis over. Good bye.
How to live to be 100
- Reduce caloriesand cut down on sweets, cakes and chocolate. If you are overweight, try to lose
weight. Being overweight increases your1 _______ of developingcirculation problems.
- Follow a sensiblediet-eat as much low-fat as possible: chicken, fish and yogurt are food for
you. Aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to ensure
your2 ________ of Vitamin C and health-giving minerals.
- Give up smoking– every cigarette shortens your life.
- Lead an activelifestyle. Keep fit and stay in shape:3 ________ out in the gym ortake up jogging? Choose an activity that you4 _______. Exerciseshould be a pleasure, not a duty. Aim to exercise for about 30 minutes at least
five times a week. If you work sitting down, _______ up as often as you can andwalking around for a while.
Don`t go to bed late: if you don`t get enough sleep,you will lack energy and you will age faster. Sleep replenishes the energies
spent during the day and aids the natural healing process of the body.
Don`t get stressed:_______ and avoid stress at home,school or work. Learn to relax, and when you feel that your stress level is rising, take a break.
Don`t eat between meals: it`s the fastest way to puton weight. If you7 _______ snacks, try at least to eat healthysnacks, like fruit or yogurt.
Don`t be a fitness fanatic! You need to stay in shapebut remember to8 ______.
A. why not work
B. it`s worth practising
C. keep calm
D. chances
E. can`t give up
F. try getting
G. maintain a balanced lifestyle
H. enjoy doing
  You should do morning exercises to be fit.  
  You should eat more fruit and vegetables and less sugar and fat.  
  You can read or watch TV when you eat.  
  If you burn more calories, you lose more weight.  
  You should drink a lot of water.  
  You can eat any time you want.  
  Diets that are too strict can make you fatter.  
  Diet pills sometimes work.  
  Fruit is better than juice.  
  Only swimming and jogging can help you burn calories.    
Well, that`s enough I think.Now I suggest you to read the next leaflet. Some phrases have been left out of
the text. Choose from phrases A-I below to complete the gaps. There is one
you`re not going t need. “How to live to be 100”(приложение №1)
1)   Пословицы
Now open yourcopybooks and you can see there proverbs about health, so read them and
translate one by one. (Приложение №3)
- Tastes differ. - О вкусах не спорят.
- An apple a day keeps the
doctoraway. - Кто по яблоку в день
съедает, у того доктор
не бывает.
- The appetite comes with
eating. - Аппетит приходит во
время еды.
- Every vegetable has its
season.- Каждый овощ имеет
своё время года
- After dinner sit a while,
after supper walk a mile. - После обеда посиди
немного, после ужина с
милю пройдись.
- Too much butter won’t
spoil the porridge. - Кашу маслом не
Round table
Now you shouldwork in pairs of four. The task for you is to make a dialogue about health
using these proverbs as much as you can.
2) Закрепление
I`m sure that you can distinguish badand useful habbits. And now your task is to make Health Code. The first team
will discuss and tell us what we should do tobe healthy and the second team will tell us what we shouldn’t do. I will give
you two marker pens so you can tick the right points in your leafsheets. 
Get up early and go to bed early 
Wash your hands before eating 
Watch TV too long 
Go in for sports 
Clean your teeth once a day 
Sleep enough 
Take a cold shower 
Eat too many sweets 
Spend much time indoors 
Eat between meals 
Air the room 
3)  Беседа про витамины
Also we should to eat vitamins. So, now, let`s listen to your classmatesthey prepared some information about vitamins.
4)  Беседапро упражнения
Sothe others tell us why do we need exercise?
5)  Беседа про табакокурение и алкоголь
NowI suggest you to wide your knowledge and give some reasons of preventing
smoking and alcohol. Let`s listen to the next pupils.
6) Проектнаяработа(Talkingmat)
Todayyou get enough information about healthy way of life. I think? Now it`s easy
for you to distinguish what can harm your health and what can make you strong,
healthy and beautiful. That`s why I suggest to do the poster “Healthy way of
life”. There are a lot of pens,felt-tip pens  at the table and the material from thepresentation.
1step(2минуты 30 сек.) – take a sheet of paper A2 and write down the theme“Healthy way of life” to the centre. I give you 30 s.to think over about it.
Nowwrite down your thoughts as much as you can to the poster(everything what you
think about it). Don`t speak, it`s individual work.
2step(по 2 минуты) – now put down your pens, stand up, come to theothers and have look their works. Also you should find the interconnection
between words and write down the questions(смотрите на презентацию).
3step – take your sits please. I suppose you saw new ideas and get some new
information. So now look through your talking mat, look at the interconnections
and questions and try to discuss to answer them(3 минуты). The time is over. Now one by one come up to theblackboard, show your work to the others, tell about it answering to the
3. Рефлексия
1) Итоги
Now I`d like you to thinkabout what you knew before and what you know after our lesson(30 s.)
Today I liked your work and your analyzes. The lessonis over. Good bye.
How to live to be 100
- Reduce caloriesand cut down on sweets, cakes and chocolate. If you are overweight, try to lose
weight. Being overweight increases your1 _______ of developingcirculation problems.
- Follow a sensiblediet-eat as much low-fat as possible: chicken, fish and yogurt are food for
you. Aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to ensure
your2 ________ of Vitamin C and health-giving minerals.
- Give up smoking– every cigarette shortens your life.
- Lead an activelifestyle. Keep fit and stay in shape:3 ________ out in the gym ortake up jogging? Choose an activity that you4 _______. Exerciseshould be a pleasure, not a duty. Aim to exercise for about 30 minutes at least
five times a week. If you work sitting down, _______ up as often as you can andwalking around for a while.
Don`t go to bed late: if you don`t get enough sleep,you will lack energy and you will age faster. Sleep replenishes the energies
spent during the day and aids the natural healing process of the body.
Don`t get stressed:_______ and avoid stress at home,school or work. Learn to relax, and when you feel that your stress level is rising, take a break.
Don`t eat between meals: it`s the fastest way to puton weight. If you7 _______ snacks, try at least to eat healthysnacks, like fruit or yogurt.
Don`t be a fitness fanatic! You need to stay in shapebut remember to8 ______.
A. why not work
B. it`s worth practising
C. keep calm
D. chances
E. can`t give up
F. try getting
G. maintain a balanced lifestyle
H. enjoy doing

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