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Контрольно-измерительные материалы по дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 "Иностранный язык" для специальности 09.02.01 "Компьютерные системы и комплексы"

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Автор: Пахомова Наталья Юрьевна

Целью данного комплекса контрольно-измерительных материалов является проверка знаний учащихся по следующим разделам программы профессионального модуля по иностранному языку. Лексическая часть включает темы:
Раздел 1: Сети
Раздел 2: Всемирная паутина
Раздел 3: Интеренет-безопасность
Раздел 4: Электронная почта
Раздел 5: Чаты и видеоконференции
Грамматический раздел включает проверку по темам: Past Perfect Active/Passive, Future Simple Active/Passive.
Данные КИМ представляют собой 4 задания с разбивкой по уровням сложности. Первые 2 задания направлен на проверку двух вышеизложенных тем грамматики английского языка.
Задание 1 включает 2 упражнения и предполагает проверку знания активного и пассивного залога в английском языке по изученным темам: Past Perfect Active/Passive, Future Simple Active/Passive.
Студенту предлагается 2 уровня сложности: задание на оценку «3» (базовый уровень) и задание повышенного уровня сложности на оценку «4-5». В базовом уровне студент должен перевести правильно предложения с пассивным залогом с английского языка на русский. В задании повышенного уровня сложности студент должен трансформировать предложение из активного в пассивный залог. Данное задание студент готовит самостоятельно, а затем отвечает преподавателю индивидуально. Ответив задание 1, студент на месте получает карточку, соответствующую номеру его первой карточки и задания 2-3 выполняет спонтанно перед преподавателем.
Задание 2 (базовый уровень) на оценку «3»: перевод лексических единиц профессиональной лексики с английского на русский.
Повышенный уровень на «4-5» - перевод с русского на английский слов профессионального словаря.
Задание 3 выполняется только студентами, претендующими на 4-5. Это задание предполагает устное монологическое высказывание на заданный вопрос по пройденным разделам.
В конце КИМ приведен список обязательного лексического минимума для проверки.
По каждому заданию студент получает оценку, общая оценка за зачет выводится из средней оценки по всем заданиям.
Карточки для задания 1
Грамматика (Future Simple Passive and Active, Past Perfect Passive and Active)
Card 1
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. The Programmer had done the work by four o’clock.
2. Do you think Peter will get the promotion he wants? – Yes, I think he probably will.
3. The students had written the tests and now were checking them up.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. They hadn't made the meals before we arrived.
2. Jane will buy a new computer.
3. Her boyfriend will install it.
Card 2
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed.
2. Scarcely had the inspector opened the envelope when he understood everything.
3. Mike phoned Rosie, but she hadn’t returned home yet.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.
1. Millions of people will visit the museum.
2. The flowers were dead because nobody had watered them.
3. We couldn't board the plane because we had left our passports at home. 
Card 3
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. She had a stock of excuses, as usual, when in fact she had overslept as usual.
2. I’ve got a terrible headache. – I will bring you an aspirin.
 3. It‘s a long way to town. – Shall I give you a lift?
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.
1. Our boss will sign the contract.
2. You will not do it.
3. The lights went off because they hadn't paid the electricity bill.
Card 4
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. By the time we came to the shopping centre it had closed.
2. The students had written the tests and now were checking them up.
3. There are some opinions that Tokyo will have the population of over 15 million people.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. We were hungry. Someone had eaten all the sandwiches.
2. The fire damaged the hotel which they had built a year before.
3. They will not show the new film.
Card 5
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. We had discussed the news and now were thinking about it.
2. The boy will remember this day all his life.
3. What shall I do if the money doesn’t reach me in time? – Go to your bank manager and ask him or a loan.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. He won't see Sue.
2. The fire damaged the hotel which they had built a year before.
3. The waitress brought a salad. But nobody had ordered it.
Card 6
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. Shall I do the shopping? – Yes, please. We’ve run out of fruit and vegetables.
2. Will you, please, post the letter for me on your way to work?
3. We had discussed the news and now were thinking about it.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. The cat felt sleepy after they had fed it.
2. The windows were so dirty because nobody had cleaned them.
3. They will not ask him.
Card 7
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. She complained that she was penniless as she had spent all her money.
2. When I came back home, my family had already had dinner and were now watching the film.
3. The queen will open a new hospital on Wednesday.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. The company will employ a new worker.
2. The plumber will repair the shower
3. The windows were so dirty because nobody had cleaned them.
Card 8
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. The Prime Minister will resign because of the political scandal.
2. Hardly had I turned on the television, when I heard shocking news.
3. By next morning, the snow that had begun in the night had turned into a blizzard so thick that the last class of the term was cancelled.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. I couldn’t use my phone. I hadn't charged it.
2. I had worn blue shoes.
3. We will deliver your parcel as soon as possible.
Card 9
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. She had a stock of excuses, as usual, when in fact she had overslept as usual.
2. Do you think Peter will get the promotion he wants? – Yes, I think he probably will.
3. What a beautiful ring! – I’ll buy it for you.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. They won't polish the wooden floor.
2. We'll cut the grass by a hand mower.
3. Joe had cleaned the tables. 
Card 10
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. It ‘s a long way to town. – Shall I give you a lift?
2. It’s Saturday morning. He shops will probably be crowded.
3. By the time we came to the shopping centre it had closed.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. We had lost the key.
2. They had started a fight.
3. Little Jane will draw the picture.
Card 11
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. When I came back home, my family had already had dinner and were now watching the film.
2. It turned out that Frank was ill and he had been ill for a fortnight.
3. Scientist will find the cure for cancer.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. So many presents will surprise her.
2. I hope the wind will not blow away our tent.
3. I had not closed the window.
Card 12
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. There are some opinions that Tokio will have the population of over 15 million people.
2. What shall I do if the money doesn’t reach me in time? – Go to your bank manager and ask him or a loan.
3. By next morning, the snow that had begun in the night had turned into a blizzard so thick that the last class of the term was cancelled.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. They had not bought the paper.
2. She had not noticed me.
3. They'll show the film at 8 o'clock.
Card 13
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. Scarcely had the inspector opened the envelope when he understood everything.
2. She complained that she was penniless as she had spent all her money.
3. The Prime Minister will resign because of the political scandal.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. She had solved the problem
2. He had recorded that song
3. He won't tell us to go away.
Card 14
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed.
2. She complained that she was penniless as she had spent all her money.
3. There are some opinions that Tokio will have the population of over 15 million people.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. Your grandma will read the story.
2. Millions of people will visit the museum.
3. The cat felt sleepy after they had fed it.
Card 15
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. By the time we came to the shopping centre it had closed.
2. If you park your car on the yellow line, you’ll be fined.
3. The boy will remember this day all his life.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. They won't polish the wooden floor.
2.  Hunters will shoot more and more wolves.
3. The lights went off because they hadn't paid the electricity bill.
Card 16
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. Mike phoned Rosie, but she hadn’t  returned home yet.
2. She had a stock of excuses, as usual, when in fact she had overslept as usual.
3.  The queen will open a new hospital on Wednesday.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. The waitress brought a salad. But nobody had ordered it.
2. I couldn’t use my phone. I hadn't charged it.
3. So many presents will surprise her.
Card 17
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. Do you thing Brazil will win the world football cup next year?
2. No sooner had he opened the door than the children rushed to meet him.
3. I’ve got a terrible headache. – I will bring you an aspirin.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. We had lost the key.
2. I had read an article.
3. The company will employ a new worker.
Card 18
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. Scarcely had the inspector opened the envelope when he understood everything.
2. I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed.
3. The policemen asked if there had been any witnesses.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. I hope the wind will not blow away our tent.
2. Our boss will sign the contract.
3. We were hungry. Someone had eaten all the sandwiches.
Card 19
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. We learnt that they had been friends for many years.
2. By the time we came to the shopping centre it had closed.
3. It’s Saturday morning. He shops will probably be crowded.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.  
1. The fire damaged the hotel which they had built a year before.
2. I couldn't use my phone. I hadn't charged it.
3. They'll show the film at 8 o'clock. 
Card 20
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. What a beautiful ring! – I’ll buy it for you.
2. The queen will open a new hospital on Wednesday.
3. By next morning, the snow that had begun in the night had turned into a blizzard so thick that the last class of the term was cancelled.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. Your grandma will read the story.
2. The windows were so dirty because nobody had cleaned them.
3. We had lost the key.
Card 21
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. She complained that she was penniless as she had spent all her money.
2. No sooner had he opened the door than the children rushed to meet him.
3. What shall I do if the money doesn’t reach me in time? – Go to your bank manager and ask him or a loan.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. They had started a fight.
2. Jane will buy a new computer.
3. You will not do it.
Card 22
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. You’ll fall off if you are not careful.
2. We had discussed the news and now were thinking about it.
3. Scientist will find the cure for cancer.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. They will not ask him.
2. The fire damaged the hotel which they had built a year before.
3. I had been reading an article.
Card 23
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. When I came back home, my family had already had dinner and were now watching the film.
2. Do you thing Brazil will win the world football cup next year?
3. Will you, please, post the letter for me on your way to work?
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. He had recorded that song
2. Little Jane will draw the picture.
3. Hunters will shoot more and more wolves. 
Card 24
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. It turned out that Frank was ill and he had been ill for a fortnight.
2. By the time we came to the shopping centre it had closed.
3. I’ve got a terrible headache. – I will bring you an aspirin.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. The waitress brought a salad. But nobody had ordered it.
2. The lights went off because they hadn't paid the electricity bill.
3. Her boyfriend will install it.
Card 25
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. The Prime Minister will resign because of the political scandal.
2. Scarcely had the inspector opened the envelope when he understood everything.
3.What a beautiful ring! – I’ll buy it for you.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. They will not show the new film.
2. We'll cut the grass by a hand mower.
3. The fire damaged the hotel which they had built a year before.
Card 25
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1. We had discussed the news and now were thinking about it.
2. The Programmer had done the work by four o’clock.
3. I’m tired. I think I’ll go to bed.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. They had not bought the paper.
2. Millions of people will visit the museum.
3. The cat felt sleepy after they had fed it.
Card 26
I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the translation of the Active form of the Future Simple and Past Perfect.
1.  She complained that she was penniless as she had spent all her money.
2. She had a stock of excuses, as usual, when in fact she had overslept as usual
3. Do you think Peter will get the promotion he wants? – Yes, I think he probably will.
II Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice and translate them.   
1. We had lost the key.
2. The plumber will repair the shower
3. The flowers were dead because nobody had watered them.

с заданиями 3-4
Card 1
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. mailing list     
2. wireless adapter     
3. To communicate with one another            
4. to be out of rage    
5. Internet Computer Network         
6. Subject       
8. To blend text and graphics
9. Attached file     
10. base station
Higher level
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What is LAN and WAN? What is the difference between them?
Card 2
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Via the Internet     
2. Expansion card
3. Chat    
4. hands-free kit 
5. cellular phone
6. router  
7. peer-to-peer LAN
8. Background colour
9. to share resources  10. node
Higher level
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
Is WWW and the Internet the same? Give the proofs. 
Card 3
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. integrated PDA     
2. buddy list  
3. clickable hypertext link   
4. search box
5. cracker (black-hat hacker) 
6. Newsgroup  
7. video conference
8. video conference
9. Username  
10. Link
Higher level: translate from Russian into English           
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the elements of the Internet? 
Card 4
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. ADSL        
2. Wi-fi          
3. Instant messaging  
4. base station
5. Java applet 
6. to be linked with cables and wires  
7. Table     
8. access point    
9. peer-to-peer LAN  10. node
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What is LAN and WAN? What is the difference between them?
Card 5
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. LAN  
2. WWW 
3. To send Internet files            
4. to meet in channels  
5. to go to the home page
6. Header       
7. Attachment           
8. Mailing list            
9. to install     
10. To convert
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
Is WWW and the Internet the same? Give the proofs.
Card 6
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russia
1. hands-free kit        
2. To go online with wireless connection     
3. Via the Internet     
4. bus
5. Domain name        
6. To blend text and graphics
7. hotspot
8. To refresh the current page
9. to be engaged in the conversation
10. CC(carbon copy)
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the elements of the Internet?
Card 7
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Attachment
2. TELNET    
3. Applet        
4. Subject       
5. wireless adapter     
6. buddy list
7. clickable hypertext link
8. show favourites
9. network
10. client-server LAN
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What types of malware do you know? How to protect your computer from them?
Card 8
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. speakerphone         
2. to talk on the phone          
3. Expansion card      
4. base station
5. Power plug            
6. Power-line Internet           
7. Attached file 8. backbone
9. To convert
10. wireless adapter
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
Is WWW and the Internet the same? Give the proofs.
Card 9
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate fom English into Russian
1. video conference   
2. to be engaged in the conversation
3. Body of the email.
4. show favourites
5. Table    
6. To refresh the current page
7. to share resources
8. Newsgroup
9. Internet Computer Network         
10. To communicate with one another
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the elements of the Internet?
Card 10
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Broadband connection      
2. backbone   
3. built-in digital camera       
4. WWW
5. WYSIWYG          
6. ISP 
7. base station
8. To connect a computer to a telephone line
9. clickable image link
10. cracker (black-hat hacker)
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the main two types of the connection to the Internet? Explain the difference between them?
Card 11
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Username   
2. video conference   
3. buddy list              
4. cracker (black-hat hacker)
5. Body of the email.            
6. to go forward one page
7. hotspot
8. CC(carbon copy)  
9. TELNET    
10. Attachment         
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What is LAN and WAN? What is the difference between them?
Card 12
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. network                 
2. to share resources              
3. to be engaged in the conversation
4. To blend text and graphics           
5. Background colour           
6. wireless adapter
7. search box  
8. To connect a computer to a telephone line          
9.  Subject      
10. router
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
Is WWW and the Internet the same? Give the proofs.
Card 13
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Attachment
2. Dial-up telephone connection       
3. Broadband connection  
4. access point
5. To access you ISP 
6. Satellite
7. to be out of rage
8. hands-free kit
9. Smart phone
10. tag
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What types of malware do you know? How to protect your computer from them? 
Card 14
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Via the Internet     
2. Attached file         
3. chat           
4. digital  
5. to talk on the phone
6. To receive Internet files    
7. cellular phone        
8. backbone   
9. bus
10. node
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What is LAN and WAN? What is the difference between them
Card 15
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. WAN         
2. LAN          
3. ADSL       
4. built-in digital camera
5. Power-line Internet
6. workstation
7. Background colour 
8. wireless adapter 
9. router
10. tag         
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the main two types of the connection to the Internet? Explain the difference between them?
Card 16
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. router         
2. show favourites     
3. To blend text and graphics            
4. video conference
5. clickable hypertext link     
6. Subject       
7. To refresh the current page
8. to install
9. Newsgroup                       
10. Email address
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the elements of the Internet?
Card 17
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. to share resources  
2. Web page               
3. workstation            
4. peer-to-peer LAN
5. Internet Computer Network   
6. available for
7. Attachment    
8. search box
9. applet         
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What is topology? What are three basic physical topologies?
Card 18
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Mail server 
2. to go to the home page     
3. to be engaged in the conversation
4. search box
5. show favourites     
6. access point
7. Header
8. Frame   
9. Table         
10. tag
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What types of malware do you know? How to protect your computer from them? 
Card 19
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. To communicate with one another  
2. Kudos      
3. nasty          
4. Anyway     
5. Humanity
6. İnitially      
7. To ameliorate         
8. Scientist     
9. İn person     
10. Frame
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the main two types of the connection to the Internet? Explain the difference between them?
Card 20
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Java applet 
2. to share resources 
3. cellular phone        
4. To suggest
6. Kudos        
7. To tweak    
8. İssue          
9. Tag  
10. chat
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the two main types of LAN do you know? What is the difference between them? 
Card 21
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. to install     
2. To ameiorate          
3. kudos         
4. To tweak    
5. issue           
6. to acknoledge        
7. Option      
8. To receive Internet files
9. the coverage area
10. Satellite          
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the elements of the Internet?
Card 22
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Broadband connection     
2. backbone   
3. client-server LAN             
4. wireless adapter
5. peer-to-peer LAN             
6. To blend text and graphics
7. base station
8. bus
9. tag
10. frame
Higher level: translate from Russian into English           
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What types of malware do you know? How to protect your computer from them? 
Card 23
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. to be linked with cables and wires            
2. to be out of rage
3. To go online with wireless connection     
4. Broadband connection      
5. hands-free kit
6. Power-line Internet           
7. backbone
8. integrated PDA
9. To receive Internet files 
10. tag
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What for do you use the Internet? 
Card 24
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. Satellite      
2. roaming      
3. Instant messaging             
4. to go forward one page
6. clickable image link           
7. Mail server
8. video conference
9. buddy list
10. hotspot
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the main two types of the connection to the Internet? Explain the difference between them?
Card 25
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. to share resources  
2. Java applet 
3. to install                 
4. to be linked with cables and wires
5.peer-to-peer LAN   
6. Newsgroup                        
7. show favourites     
8. the coverage area
9. CC(carbon copy)   
10. To blend text and graphics
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? 
Card 26
Task 3: translate the following words and expressions
Basic level: translate from English into Russian
1. to be linked with cables and wires            
2. to be out of rage
3. To go online with wireless connection     
4. Broadband connection     
5. hands-free kit
6. Power-line Internet           
7. backbone
8. integrated PDA 
9. To receive Internet files 
10. tag
Higher level: translate from Russian into English
Task 4: answer the following question ar give a short talk to the following question
Name the crimes on the Internet? Have you ever been a victim of one of them?
Lexical minimum
Username                                    video conference                               buddy list
Mail server                                  TELNET                                            to meet in channels
Header                                        to go back one page               to be engaged in the conversation    
Email address                              to go forward one page                     applet
CC(carbon copy)                         to go to the home page                      cracker (black-hat hacker)
Subject                                        clickable image link                           video conference
Attachment                                 clickable hypertext link                     
Domain name                              search box
Body of the email.                      To refresh the current page
Mailing list                                  show favourites
Newsgroup                                  network         
  Tag                                                        To blend text and graphics                available for
Web page                                                hotspot
Link                                                        access point
Table                                                       router
Frame                                                      to share resources
Background colour                                 wireless adapter
Java applet                                              to be linked with cables and wires
Internet Computer Network                   to install
To communicate with one another         client-server LAN
To connect a computer to a telephone line                     workstation
To convert                                               peer-to-peer LAN
Dial-up telephone connection                 node
Broadband connection                           bus
To access you ISP                                   backbone
To go online with wireless connection   cellular phone
Power-line Internet                                 base station
To receive Internet files                          the coverage area
To send Internet files                              to be out of rage
Power plug                                              roaming
World Wide Web                                               digital
Expansion card                                       Smart phone
Satellite                                                   built-in digital camera
Attached file                                           integrated PDA
Chat                                                        hands-free kit
Instant messaging                                   speakerphone
Via the Internet                                      to talk on the phone
GSM (global system of mobile communication)
FTP (file transfer protocol)
ISP (Internet Service Provoder)
HTML (hype text Markup Language)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
Используемая литература
1. Практическая грамматика Английского языка = English Grammar Practice: учеб. пособие / Т.В. Кагукина, В.Б.Балабанов. – Минск: РИВШ, 2014. – 292 с.
2. Макарова Е.В., Пархамович Т.В. Английский язык. Upgrade your English Grammar / Е.В. Макарова, Т.В.Пархамович. – Минск :  «Харвест», 2010. – 448 с.
3. Колесникова Н.Н., Данилова Г.В., Девяткина Л.Н. Английский язык для менеджеров=English for Managers: учебник для студ. учреждений сред. проф. образования. — М., 2012. – 304 с.
4. Голубев А.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б.Английский язык:учебник для студ.учреждений сред. проф. образования. — М., 2014.. — М., 2015.
5. Ian MacKenzie. Professional English in Use: ICT – Cambridge, 2006.

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