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Открытый урок по теме: Архитектура

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Автор: Петрович Елена Львовна

Цели и задачи: введение новой лексики, обучение навыкам диалогической речи, обучение навыкам письма, подготовка к выполнению письменной работы: интервью.
1. Организационный  момент.
Good morning! Nice to see you.  Hope you are ready for the lesson as usually. Tell me please what date it is today?  Who`s absent  today?(1min)
2. Формулировка целей и задач урока.
The aim of the today`s lesson is to prepare you to interview someone about places they live in. different types of buildings and structures. So on the agenda we have today :
  1. First of all, checkup your homework;
  2. Secondly,  to talk about Architecture and understand what it is;
  3. Next, we are going to meet and discuss different types of buildings and structures;
  4. And finally, you will interview each other and act dialogue.(1 min)
3. Проверка домашнего задания.
- Let`s start with checking up your homework.  So please open your  Wbs p. 16.
- Now you get cards with some sentences on them. What tense  do I use in these sentences? (Past Simple) , please rewrite them using Present Perfect Tense; (Приложение 1)
- Let`s check up exercises  at page 17(12,13);
- Now  write down your name on the card you have, I`m going to read you the definitions of the adjectives  with negative prefixes, listen and write down the words.(8 min) (Приложение 1)
1. unlike others, not traditional;
2. not having or showing fear;
3. not liking to try new expiriences;
4. copied,not new or interesting;
5. relaxed,not serious;
6. not knowing how to do something;
7. without friendly human qualities;
8. something that nobody can do;
9. not sensible or realistic.
4. Актуализация знаний ( этап введения новой лексики и всесторонней проверки).
- We can continue. To talk about architecture,  to act some dialogues and to prepare questions for interview we need to meet new words to improve the vocabulary.
- First of all, please open your notebooks and write down the date: today is November,5th. So. The topic of the lesson is Architecture,  but  do we know exactly what  it is? Open now your Sbs please p.35. Can you see the three possible definitions in ex.1 . Hera they are: (I read them aloud). How do you think which one is correct?  Listen to the short dialogue and check. It helps you to give a definition (to define) it. The correct answer is “b”. So. What is  Architecture?  Let`s write down: is the study of the design of buildings and structures.
-Now please divide the page in your notebooks into two columns: buildings and structures. Look at this picture. Who knows what is it? It`s a block of flats. Is it a building or a structure? It`s a building.(Презентация. Приложение 2)
Do you live in a house or  in a flat?
How many floors are there in your block of flats?
What floor do you live on?
Do you like modern architecture?
It`s  a bridge.  Is a bridge a building or a structure?  Of course it`s a structure.
What bridges do you know?
What is the most famous bridge in London?
Do you know that all the bridges have names?
What is the name of the bridge in the centre of Moscow near the Gorky Park?
Do you like all the modern bridges? Why not?
It`s a castle.
Who  used  to live in castles?
Which country is famous for its castles?
Do like the ancient architecture style?
Have you ever  visited a castle?
What is the most popular castle in London?
It`s a mall.
There is a big mall in our neighbourhood, in other words it`s a huge shopping centre. A shoppers`  paradise where you can buy everything  from food to furniture.  Is it a building or a structure? It`s a building
It`s a monument.
What is the famous monument in the world?
Where is it located?
It`s a motorway. Is it a building or a structure?
What can you see on motorways?
Is it a fast or slow road?
It`s a port.
Can you  remember now any cities where there is a port?
I think it`s both building and structure.
It`s an airport.
How many airports are there in Moscow?
What is the most famous airport in London?
Where is the John Lennon airport?
It`s a skyscraper?
How long have people lived in skyscrapers?
Do you know that the tallest skyscraper is the 508-metre Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan?
This skyscraper is in London. People call it “the Gerkin”  It looks like a huge cucumber.
Have you ever  lived in a skyscraper?
Do you want to live in a skyscraper?
It`s a tower.
Is  a tower a building or a structure?
The popular attraction in Moscow is the Ostankinskaya TV Tower. It looks like a very tall building/ What do you think about The Eiffel Tower? Is it a building or a structure? So. Tower can go in both columns.
It`s a tunnel.
It`s not a building of course. It1s a structure. As an example we can remember now The Channel Tunnel. It is located under the English Channel and connects  Great Britain and Europe. (15 min)
5. Применение теоретических положений (этап подготовки учащихся к активному усвоению знаний)
Open please your Sbs now. Page 35 ex .8 Could you you read the task please. Using the words from ex 7 you have to complete the sentences.
1. motorway, 2.monument,3.castle,4.block of flats, 5.bridge, 6.tunnel, 7. port, 8.mall
Now please turn pages and find ex5 p.39. Please read the task. So I give you one minute, match the questions to the answers.  (in a minute)Time is up. Now please listen the dialogue and check youranswers. Pay attention  to the intonation . Now please  read the dialogue using the correct intonation.(8 min).
6. Самостоятельная работаю Творческое использование сформированных умений и навыков).
Now  you will get a picture  of  one  the types of buildings and a card with questions.  Please choose only four questions to interview your partner.  Asking questions please use the linking words you can see on the board and on your cards too. Here they are:
First of all,
And finally, (8min)
7. Рефлексия. Обобщение  усвоенного материала
I`m happy you have succeeded  in acting the dialogues. You all were very active in the lesson. Thank you. For your homework and for classwork you all can get only excellent  marks. Now you know different types of buildings and structures and can keep up the conversation.
8. Домашнее задание.
Please write down your Homework for tomorrow:
1. Sb.p.35 ex.7 -dictation
2. Answer(write) the questions (card)
3. Wb.p.17(11.14)
Приложение 1
Rewrite the sentences in Present Perfect, use the words:
1. The famous  architect designed  two towers.
2. She worked on her project.
3. We read an interesting article
1.-----------------------------------------         4.------------------------------------------  7.----------------------------------------
2.----------------------------------------          5.----------------------------------------  8.------------------------------------------
3.------------------------------------------      6.------------------------------------------9.------------------------------------------

Приложение 3
First of all,                 Secondly,             Next,            And  finally,
  1. What`s your favourite type of building?
  2. Why do you like towers and skyscrapers?
  3. Which is your favourite …? And why?
  4. What types of building do you dislike?
  5. Why do you like/dislike modern architecture?
  6. What type of building do you want to live in one day?
  1. Are there any famous buildings that you like?
  2. Do you prefer modern or traditional buildings?
  3. Have you visited an ancient building?
  4. Do you think it necessary to protect old buildings?
  5. Do you think it is better to live in a house or a flat?
  6. Describe a building you dislike. Why don’t you like it?
Use the words: unconventional, unoriginal, impersonal, impractical,
Beautiful,  modern architecture, famous, attractive, amazing, interesting design…

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