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Открытый урок в 5 классе по разделу

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Автор: Зернова Лариса Леонидовна

Цель урока: повышение интереса учащихся к процессу обучения через активное восприятие учебного материала.
Задачи урока:
- развитие навыков чтения и произношения, аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи
- актуализация грамматических навыков
- творческое осмысление учебного материала
- развитие коммуникативной компетенции и креативности  у учащихся
- развитие социальной компетенции.
Оснащение урока: тексты диалога о Британском музее, картинки Лондонского музея Естествознания, аудиозапись песни «Отъезд», аудиозапись диалога  про посещение учениками Лондонского музея естествознания, карточки для работы индивидуально и в парах (сложные для понимания слова, предложения TRUE/FALSE), карточки для работы в группах (вопросы для каждой группы), рисунки обучающихся с главными героями урока, листочки для анкеты по рефлексии урока, компьютер и мультимедиапроектор, изготовленные детьми свитки для письма (« Мои намерения»), карточки с вопросами для этапа «Разрыв», презентация к уроку.

Ход  урока
1 этапурока  ИНДУКЦИЯ.
(Эмоциональный настрой на работу)
Good Morning, boys and girls. I ‘m glad to see you. How are you?
Today we have an unusual lesson, you can see some (many) guests. Students, ask them some questions, please! Hello, how are you? Hello, how is your Family? Hello, are you an English teacher? Hello, are you a headteacher? What is your favourite colour? Hello, do you like your Job? Hello, do you enjoy winter? Hello, can you ski? What is your favourite season? Do you have any favourite students?
Thanks students and guests!
Well our first activity is LISTENING  TO THE SONG. It is called “Leaving”.
While listening try to answer the questions:
1. What does the man do at the museum ?
2. Is it the Natural History Museum in London?
3. Does he like his Job?
4. What construction does he use in the song? 
Leaving (lyrics)
I`m going to catch a train.
I`m going to find a better place.
I don`t want to see another dinosaur or whale.
I`m going to leave this job.
I`m leaving tonight.
I`m going to be free.
I`m going to be me.
I don`t want to see this museum again.
I`m going to leave this job.
I`m leaving tonight.
Well, boys and girls we are going to visit The Natural History Museum in London! Can you hear any sounds now? No? let’s listen to five sounds (звукилишум) of  the Museum and guess them. Before listening look at the blackboard and read them:
- the sound of the sea/ocean
- the sound of the dinosaur
- the sound of the whale
- the sound of the wind
-  the sound of  the fly
2 этап урока САМОКОНСТРУКЦИЯ   
(Подготовка учащихся для работы в группах)
Jack’s class are visiting the Natural History Museum with their teacher, Mr.White.
They are in the entrance hall  and they are looking at the brochures.
Let’s listen to the dialogue (слушаютпервыйраздиалогбеззрительнойопоры), then read the sentences and  answer TRUE or FALSE?
Работа по карточкам  индивидуально:
fossil – ископаемое
ancient castle – старинный замок
1) Mr. White is an old fossil. (no, it’s false. He is a teacher)
2) It is the beginning of Jack’s visit (yes, it is true)
3) Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum. (Yes, its true)
4) The museum is in ancient castle. (Yes, it is)
Work in pairs and check your Classmate’s answers, you may discuss them!
Ready? Read the sentences and answer TRUE or FALSE.
Our next activity is working  in two groups (деление учащихся на группы)
You are in one group. Masha is the head of your group.
You are in another group. Your head is Nastia.
Listen again, follow in your book. Then read the dialogue in roles. You have some minutes for preparing. (после подготовки обучающиеся читают диалог по ролям)
Next task is answering the questions. I give you the cards with three questions. Let’s answer them in your group and then present your  information.
1 group. You have three questions. Answer them and present your information.
1.Who is going to take some photos? (Lisa is going to take some photos)
2.Who’s going to draw a dinosaur? (Jack’s going to draw a dinosaur)
3.Who’s going to have a drink? (Mr. White)
2 group .You have three questions. Answer them and present your information.
1.Who are  going to see the blue whale?( Lisa and Sadie)
2.Who’s going to see the fossils from Britain? (Ben)
3. Who is going to visit Gallery 11or the Water house Café? (Mr.White)
5 этап урока АФИШИРОВАНИЕ
Present your information ( every group present its information).
(отвечая на вопросы группы используют нарисованные ими картинки, где изображены главные герои диалога)
6 этап РАЗРЫВ
Now I would like to ask you some questions:
Do you like to go to the museums?
How often do you go to any museum?
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)?   
Now ask each other questions and answer them in your group, please.
Well our last activity is WRITING.
Do you have got your scorns? Write the title “My resolutions” on it , please.. And then write at least two” good intensions” with the construction” be going to do smth”, f. e
I am going to smile everyone.
Ben Class 8W (positive)
I am not going to argue with my sister.
Joe Class 10 Y (negative)
7 Заключительный этап урока. РЕФЛЕКСИЯ 
(анализ урока самими  учащимися. Подведение итогов.)
REFLEX IVEQUESTIONS (заполните анкету)
1) Что интересного ты сегодня узнал(а) на уроке?
2) Какие новые слова ты сегодня узнал(а)?
3) Понравился ли тебе урок? Почему?
4) Понравилось ли тебе работать в группе?
5) Сколько ошибок было сделано тобой на уроке? Пытался(ась) ли ты их исправить?
6) Чтобы ты себе поставил за работу на сегодняшнем уроке?
7) Нервничал ли ты сегодня на уроке? Если да, то почему?
Thank you for the lesson. All students get excellent marks.  Our lesson is over.
You may be free. Till next lesson!
Answer TRUE or FALSE !
fossil – ископаемое; ancient castle – cтаринныйзамок;  dinosaur - динозавр
1. Mr. White is an old fossil
2. It is the beginning of Jack’s visit. 
3. Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4. The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE!
fossil – ископаемое; ancient castle – старинный замок; dinosaur - динозавр
1) Mr. White is an old fossil.
2) It is the beginning of Jack’s visit
3) Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4) The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE !
fossil – ископаемое;     
ancient castle – cтаринный замок; dinosaur - динозавр
1. Mr. White is an old fossil
2. It is the beginning of Jack’s visit. 
3. Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4. The museum is in  an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE!
fossil – ископаемое; 
ancient castle – старинный замок;  dinosaur – динозавр;
1) Mr. White is an old fossil.
2) It is the beginning of Jack’s visit
3) Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4) The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE !
fossil – ископаемое; ancient castle – cтаринный замок; dinosaur - динозавр
1.Mr. White is an old fossil
2. It is the beginning of Jack’s visit. 
3)Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4)The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE!
fossil – ископаемое ancient castle – старинный замок
dinosaur - динозавр
1) Mr. White is an old fossil.
2) It is the beginning of Jack’s visit
3) Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4) The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE !
fossil – ископаемое; ancient castle – cтаринный замок
dinosaur - динозавр
1. Mr. White is an old fossil
2. It is the beginning of Jack’s visit. 
3. Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4. The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE!
fossil – ископаемое ancient castle – старинный замок
dinosaur - динозавр
1) Mr. White is an old fossil.
2) It is the beginning of Jack’s visit
3) Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4) The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE !
fossil – ископаемое; ancient castle – cтаринный замок
dinosaur - динозавр
1.Mr. White is an old fossil
2. It is the beginning of Jack’s visit. 
3. Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4. The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE!
fossil – ископаемое ancient castle – старинный замок
dinosaur - динозавр
1) Mr. White is an old fossil.
2) It is the beginning of Jack’s visit
3) Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4) The museum is in an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE !
fossil – ископаемое; ancient castle –  cтаринный замок
dinosaur - динозавр
1.Mr. White is an old fossil
2. It is the beginning of Jack’s visit. 
3. Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4. The museum is in  an ancient castle.
Answer TRUE or FALSE!
fossil – ископаемое  ancient castle – старинный замок
dinosaur - динозавр
1) Mr. White is an old fossil.
2) It is the beginning of Jack’s visit
3) Jack’s class are going to see dinosaurs, blue whales and fossils in the Natural History Museum.
4) The museum is in an  ancient castle. 
1 group. You have three questions, answer them and present your information.
1. Who is going to take some photos?
2. Who’s going to draw a dinosaur?
3. Who’s going to have a drink?
2 group .You have three questions, answer them and present your information.
1. Who are  going to see the blue whale?
2.Who’s going to see the fossils from Britain?
3. Who is going to visit Gallery 11or the Water house Café?
1 group. You have three questions, answer them and present your information.
1. Who is going to take some photos?
2. Who’s going to draw a dinosaur?
3. Who’s going to have a drink?
2 group .You have three questions, answer them and present your information.
1. Who are  going to see the blue whale?
2. Who’s going to see the fossils from Britain?
3. Who is going to visit Gallery 11or the Water house Café?
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums?  (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales, old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales, old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales, old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often , once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums?  (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favourite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums?  (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favourite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales, old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? ( Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales, old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums? (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often, once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whale,old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).  
Do you like to go to the museums?  (Yes, I do. I like to go to the museum. My favorite museum is The Natural History Museum now)
How often do you go to any museum? (Not very often , once a year)
Are you interested in dinosaurs (whales, old fossils)? (Yes, I’m interested in dinosaurs, whales and old fossils).                                                                  

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