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Книги в нашей жизни

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Автор: Янучковская Людмила Артемовна

Тип урока: Урок-отработка и закрепление изучаемого материала.
Учебные: развитие коммуникативных и информационных навыков; совершенствование речевых умений; развитие умения вести беседу по заданной ситуации.
- воспитание интереса к изучению английского языка;
- обобщение знаний учащихся о роли библиотеки в жизни человека; воспитание бережного отношения и любви к книге.
Оборудование: компьютер; интерактивная доска; раздаточный материал по теме; карточки с пословицами и поговорками.

Ход урока

(оформление доски: дата, тема, цитата Иосифа Бродского)
Theme: Books in our Life
Quotation: “There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them” (Joseph Brodsky)
Вводная беседа. План урока.
T. Good afternoon children, dear guests.
Children, look at the blackboard, please. You see the topic of our lesson and as you know today we are going to visit our school library. So, children I want you to guess what we will speak about.
P1 I guess we’ll speak about one of the best inventions of a man – books; and if we go to the school library we should remember library rules.
P2 We’ll speak about different literary genres; about the role of books in our life.
P3 We’ll discuss about our preferences between paper book and electronic book. We’ll remember some proverbs and sayings about books.
T. You are quite right. So start our lesson.
1. T. Children, at the beginning of our lesson, before visiting our school library, let’s remember some rules of behaviour at the library.
Look at the following pictures on the board and remind us the most useful and important library rules.
(Учащиеся смотрят на экран, на картинки и озвучивают правила поведения в библиотеке)
2. Экскурсия в школьную библиотеку.
T. Now I see you are intelligent and educated students. Ask our unchangeable school librarian to be our guide in the small excursion at the library. Be ready to ask questions!

  • All library equipment and books should be used carefully
  • Don’t spoil the books, don’t pull out the pages
  • Conversations should be kept to a minimum and as quiet as possible
  • Mobile phones should be turned off  before readers enter the library
  • No food or drink is allowed
  • All borrowed books should be brought back by the due date
  • All books should be shown to the librarians before you leave the library
  • Don’t lend your library card to somebody else
  • Everybody should be treated very politely

(Учащиеся проходят на небольшую экскурсию в библиотеку, задают вопросы библиотекарю).
3. Совершенствование навыков устной и монологической речи.
T. Thank you very much, dear librarian!
Children, we’ve seen a lot of interesting and teachable books of different literary genres.
Now I want you to remember some of them. Look at the crossword on the screen, read the description of the genre and fill in the gaps.
Match the genre of the book with its description!
Repeat the names all together!
(Вопросы к кроссворду)
2. A book about a romantic relationship. The characters go through a lot of difficulties to be together.
3. One of the leading genres now, where a clever detective tries to solve a crime.
4. A book where you can find facts about somebody’s life.
5. A book full of magic and imaginary characters, popular with teenagers.
6. A genre popular with little children, where there is usually a happy ending.
7. A fictional story based on scientific theories.
9. Sometimes it looks too long to enjoy, it may be contained in some volumes.
1. Pirates, cowboys, faraway islands, lost treasure and a lot of danger in these stories.
8. A literary work that you can read or see in the theatre.
(Учащиеся заполняют кроссворд и повторяют названия литературных жанров хором.
По окончании учитель озвучивает домашнее задание по литературным жанрам)
T. At home you’ll read the passages from the books and match them with their genres.                    
4. T. There is a very wise quotation by Joseph Brodsky written on the blackboard. Read it!
I see most of you like reading, go to the library, have got many books at home or may be read books from you literature list.
So, children. Why do we read books? Is it a waste of time or is it worth reading books? How do you choose books? What do you like to read? What is your favourite literary genre and why?
(Учащиеся ведут монолог,  высказывают свои точки зрения, используя данные фразы:

  1. Books are really our friends.
  2. Books help us to learn a lot of interesting things about the world around us.
  3. Book is a source of information.
  4. Books teach us to understand the people better.
  5. When we read a book we never feel lonely.
  6. Books are the memory of nation.
  7. Books can wake people up.
  8. Books contain new ideas.
  9. You can learn a lot from books.
  10. Books are written in different languages)

5. Физкультминутка.
T. This exercise is very helpful for our eyes, especially if they are tired.
Do it together!
Look at the top of your nose,
Look at the left side,
Look at the right side,
Look up, look down.
6. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
T. We live in the 21st century. Nowadays there are so many devices we use and very often we see that people prefer electronic book to paper one.
What can you say about advantages and disadvantages of paper and electronic book?
Be ready with a small dialogue using conversation bricks!
(Учащиеся готовят диалоги с опорами на разговорные фразы)
7. Рефлексия.
T. Children, according to your dialogues and your home preparation let’s remember advantages and disadvantages of paper book and electronic one. There is a table on the board, fill in the columns.
(На  доске разлинованы 2 колонки с подписями “Paper book” and “Electronic book”.  Учащиеся выходят к доске и заполняют колонки.)
Ex.  The difference between paper book and electronic book.
Paper book (feel its smell; touch it; don’t hurt eyes; don’t depend on plug in, electricity; can borrow it from the library immediately).         E-book (time and space saving device; easy to use, carry; pleasant reading from a screen;           keeps much information; available through the Internet; it can store one thousand books; books are always at hand; comfortable for travelling).
8. Работа в парах.
T. We know many proverbs and sayings about books and reading.
I’ll give you cards with them, but all the words are cut and mixed.
Remember the proverb, put the words in a correct way and read it!
(Учащиеся работают в паре, составляют пословицы из отдельных слов и зачитывают вслух)
Proverbs and sayings about books.

  1. Choose a book as you choose a friend.
  2. Treat books as care as good friends.
  3. When you make a new friend ask him what he reads.
  4. Wear the old coat but buy a new book.
  5. Book is the best friend.
  6. Except a living man there is nothing more than a wonderful book.
  7. Books should be good friends.

9. Заключительный этап.
T. Our lesson comes to an end. Write down your homework (to match the passage of the book with its literary genre) Ex.5 pp.140-141.
The lesson is over. Thanks a lot everybody.
I believe you certainly agree that books are one of the best inventions of a man.

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