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Письменная речевая деятельность: "Правила написания E-mail"

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Автор: Владимирова Лилия Мансуровна

Цель: развитие социокультурной компетенции, а именно умения участвовать в коммуникации в соответствии с нормами иноязычной письменной речи.
- дать учащимся знания об особенностях электронной коммуникации: правилах написания e-mail;
- формирование у учащихся необходимых графических автоматизмов, речемыслительных навыков и умений формулировать мысль в соответствии с письменным стилем;
- овладение культурой и интеллектуальной готовностью создавать содержание письменного произведения речи.
(Чёрным, жирным цветом выделены слова учителя, красным выделены предполагаемые ответы учащихся)
Слайд 1. E-mail etiquette rules
-Hello guys! Today we are getting together to learn more about some rules. I’m sure, everyone in this group has the experience of writing an e-mail. Could you tell me, what an e-mail is?
-It is a very short and simple message.
-Can you name the types of e-mails?
-It might be like a short informal letter or a business message.
-And now I want you to look at the screen.
Слайд 2. Address
-Who knows, what we should write there? (To)
-To write the e-mail address of the person we are writing to.
-And what about your address? (From)
-The computer includes our e-mail address and the date automatically.
Слайд 3. Subject line
-As for the subject, it is supposed to give it to the message. Do you know why?
-I think without a subject e-mail messages may not be opened.
-And the reason?
-Because of a fear of viruses or they just stay noticeable.
-What is your attitude to this subject line? (Important! Read Immediately!)
-What is important to you may not be important to your reader.
-You should keep the subject short, clear, informative and avoid such headings as “Good news”, “Hello”, “Message from…” Do you know why?
-These headings are common in messages containing viruses.
-Yes, short but specific headings are needed to decide that your email is worthwhile.
Слайд 4. Greeting
-Usually you start your messages with a greeting, don’t you? Why?
-To create a friendly or a business-like tone. To be polite.
-What polite phrases do we use?
-Please, thank you, could you, would you….
-It is common to write the greeting without a comma. But you may use it, if you want.
Слайд 5. Content
-As for the content, how should we write it?
-Answer swiftly. Keep your text readable and writeshort paragraphs. Answer all questions. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation. Do not write in CAPITALS.
-Is it important?
Слайд 6. Abbreviations
-In text-messaging or texting we could use some abbreviations. I’m sure you know what they mean.
afaik-as far as I know                         info-information
bbl-be back later                                 cc-copies
btw-by the way                                   memo-memorandum
pls-please                                            pp.-pages
yr-your                                                 &-and
u-you                                                   w/o-without
asap-as soon as possible                      FYI-for your information
Ic-I see                                                 N.B.-nota bene
ttm-talk to me                                      VIP-very important person
RUOK? - Are you OK?
Слайд 7. Attachments
-As for the attachments, you should try to avoid them. Do you know why?
-They could transmit viruses.
- So, try not to use them or your reader will have to download and open them in a separate program. What could we do?
-Copy the most relevant text into the bodyof the email or make sure the file name describes the content. Compare two file names and choose the appropriate one:
holidays 2012.doc (the file name describes the content)
Слайд 8. Common endings
-How should we end the message?
-In a polite way.
-What are the common endings?
-Yours sincerely, Best regards, Best wishes, Regards, Kind regards…
-By the way, 'Regards' is a suitable sign-off phrase because it's not too formal or too informal. And if you did not put a comma after the greeting at the beginning of the message, then do not put a comma after the ending either. Then you should include your name at the end of the message. Do you know why?
-Very often the email address of the sender does not indicate exactly who it is from.
-Do you like to receive an email which does not include the name of the sender?
-Oh, no it is annoying.
-As for me, I don’t care.
-I’d like to add that we can use emoticons which show emotions like sad, happy, displeasure.
Слайд 9. P.S.
-What will you do, if you forget to write smth?
-We could use P.S.
e.g.   P.S. Don't reply to spam.
-Thanks a lot for your answers. What have we learned today?
-We learned more about e-mail etiquette rules.
-Now let’s do an activity 1. Choose the best options from the drop-down boxes below.
Слайд 10.
-Activity 2.Please read this informal message with a nonstandard punctuation and spelling.
To:          Jules@55.com
From:      Martin@1234.com
Date:       2012-05-20(Mon) 10:20
Subjest:   No subject
Hey, Jules
Hru getting on?
Could u help me, plz? My computer has broken & I don’t know any1 who I can call 2 & and fix it. Fyi, I installed AV & was just abt 2 start my essay b4 my comp crashed-my screen just went blue! I remember @ school u were a real wizz @ computer staff. Btw, what are u studying now? IT? Don’t u come & try 2 fix my comp? I’ll pay u 4 it! But, plz, cal asap! I’ll be w8ing 4 your call. Lmk, if u can do something 4 me.
-Your home assignment is to answer Martin. What are we writing here? (To)
-We are writing an e-mail of ….
-And there?
-The computer includes our e-mail address and the date automatically.
-As for the subject, Martin didn’t give it to his message. Could you choose the best variant for Jules’s subject?
Computer repair (short, clear and informative)
-What about the greeting?
-It’s a very informal message, so we can use such a greeting as Hi, Martin
-As for the content, could you give us some ideas?
-My answer is, “If you believe that I am a computer specialist, I would try to help you surely”.
-I would fix your computer free of charge, but I have no time these days.
-I advise you to contact the service.
-My service charge is 50 pounds.
-Don’t forget to use some abbreviations, symbols. You can see it’s a very informal letter.
Avoid attachments. How should we end the message?
-In a polite way including the name. And we can use emoticons which show our emotions.
-Well done. Thank you. You are free.

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