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Открытый урок "Религия. На пути к миру"

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Автор: Бородина Татьяна Михайловна

Цели урока: коммуникативное-речевое развитие учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме «Решение конфликтов».
Задачи урока:
1. Образовательные:
1.1. Обобщить лексический материал по теме “Решение конфликтов”.
1.2. Совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи.
1.3. Практиковать использование методики прогнозирования.
2. Воспитательные:
2.1. Воспитывать уважение к культуре и традициям других народов.
2.2. Воспитывать любовь своей культуре и традициям.
2.3. Прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку.
2.4. Воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.
2.5. Воспитывать оценочно-эмоционального отношения к миру, внимательного
отношения друг к другу, положительного отношения к культуре народа (религиям).
3. Развивающие:
3.1. Систематизировать культуроведческий материал о религиях и правах человека.
3.2. Расширить лингвистический кругозор учащихся.
3.3. Способствовать развитию творческой деятельности учащихся.
3.4. Развивать умение обобщать.
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент и сообщение цели урока.
Hello, my dear children. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about human rights and try to find out the solve of the most urgent problem in the world: How can we learn to live in peace?
At our lesson you’ll also get acquainted with world’s major religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism
Slide 2
The quotation of our lesson is the next. LET’S READ AND TRANSLATE.
Slide 3
PLEASE look at the picture and answer my questions
  1. How does this book called?
  2. What is this book about?
  3. What is this emblem mean?
  4. Do you think it’s important for you to know about this document? Why?
Let’s listen to the short text, please tick the human rights you hear about.
Slide 4
  1. to speak freely
  2. to get educated
  3. to choose the work you like
  4. to choose the climate you want to live in
  5. to be equal with other people
  6. to get a driving license at the age of 14
  7. to know what your rights are
  8. to be protected against religious discrimination
  9. to protected against strict teachers
I think it is very important to know our rights and in the nest ex. You can get more information about the organization that wrote this important document.
You should read the sentences, find the infinitive and determine the function of it in each sentence but before let’s revise the rule. Look at the slide the infinitive can be
Slide 5
1. The subject
2. Part of the predicate
3. The object
4. The attribute
5. The adverbial modifier of purpose
Slide 6
  1. In 1948, the United Nations wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to stop cruelty in the world.
  2. According to the declaration, every person has the right to speak freely, to marry whomever he/she likes, to get an education etc.
  3. It is very important for each person to know these rights.
  4. To make peace is all that the United Nations wants.
  5. People hoped that the Declaration would try to prevent future wars.
  6. To prevent wars, people should understand that every person has the right to liberty, justice, equality.
  7. It is necessary to be tolerant of other cultures, religions, ideas, values.
  8. If only anyone to follow these rules.
  9. If we try to respect the opinions that are different from ours the world will be better.
  10. To get along is what we need.
But you know that there are some groups of people aren’t tolerant to the culture, traditions, customs, and religion of other people. That’ why there has not been a time on our planet without war.
Slide 7.
Let’s watch a very short video where you can red a question/ please read this question and think what does it mean?
All people are created equal and children mustn’t suffer because of adult’s mistakes.
I want you to read a text about different religions that will help you to understand people’s values.
Slide 8. There are 4 main religions in the world
Let’s do some tasks.
Slide 9
Please match the symbols with each religion.
Say what religion they represent.
P1: The Bible, the cross and a church belong to Christianity.
P2: Tripitaka, the wheel of life, a pagoda belong to Buddhism.
P3: The Koran, the crescent and star, a mosque belong to Islam/
P4: The Torah, the star of David and a synagogue belong to Judaism.
Answer my questions.
1.Who is the founder of Christianity? Where was he born? How did he die? 2. Where do christians worship? 3. What are the main Chris­tian holidays?
1. What is the Muslim Holy Book called?  
3. How often do Muslims pray and what do they use for praying? 4. Why is Месса such аn important place for Muslims? 5. What is the main Muslim festival called?
1. Who is Abraham? 2. Who created the universe ас­cording to Judaism?  4. What is the Sabbath and how is it celebrated? 5. What do followers of Judaism celebrate during the festival called Passover?
1. How old is this religion and where did it originate? 2. What do we know about Buddha? 3. What саn bе seen in аll Buddhist tem­ples?  5. What is Nirvana? Why do people try to reach it?
Slide 10
Look at the next slide. There are some ways, some ideas of how common people can help to keep peace. Which of them in your opinion are the most effective and why? Please divide into three groups and discuss.

organize and participate in peace rallies



take part in anti-religion actions



propagate peace by all means



meet and make friends with people of different countries and cultures of different religions to take share and develop ideas of peace



refuse to participate in aggressive actions



teach young children tolerance and respect for human life, explain to them how to solve their problems peacefully



take part in international projects as working together is the best way to understanding


учащиеся делятся по парам
и обсуждают, используя выражения
  • In my opinion...
  • To my mind...
  • In my point of view...
  • My point of view is that...


It will help

to build peace and friendship between different nations

to cooperate with other countries

to prevent all conflicts and wars between countries

to learn to respect the rights of other people

to learn to live in a country with many cultural and ethnic differences

to understand how to be tolerant

to think about ideas and values of other people

to understand that all people are equal

etc your own ideas

Slide 11
Children from different countries want all people live in peace and understanding. Let’s watch one more video. Your task will be the next. You need read what children have written down on the wall on peace. Here you’ll two languages: German and English.
Slide 12
Please fill in the sentences with some of the following words.
  1. People ……… when their rights are not respected.
  2. Peace can be made if people…………. human rights.
  3. If people learn to be tolerant, war will never ………..
  4. Building peace begins in your family and in your ………   with friends.
  5. We have the right to disagree with ………  different from ours.
Suffer, right, opinion, prevent, respect, happen, appear, relation
Slide 13
But there are some extraordinary actions. Look at this man.
His name is Bali. The 38-year-old Frenchman has been running for the past 16 years – across every continent, through deserts and desolate forgotten lands. All in the name of peace. He shares his experience by talking to schools, giving slide shows and publishing a diary. “I talk to the children about peace”. Do you consider this method effective?

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