Цель урока: Познакомить учащихся с обычаями и традициями празднования Хэллоуина в англоязычных странах.
Образовательные задачи: ознакомить учащихся с новым страноведческим материалом, ознакомить с новой лексикой по теме и тренировать ее употребление в различных ситуациях общения.
Развивающие задачи: развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи, стимулировать познавательную активность учащихся, развивать творческое мышление и инициативу.
Воспитательные задачи: воспитывать у учащихся интерес к английскому языку, уважение к культуре и традициям стран изучаемого языка, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, символы праздника Хэллоуин, карточки с заданиями.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? I’m glad to see you. Let’s greet our guests. (Дети приветствуют гостей) Let’s greet each other.
2. Речеваяразминка: актуализациязнаний. Today we are going to take a trip to the wonderful world of mystery. It is one of the most interesting British holidays Halloween. Слайд1. Do you like holidays? What other British festivals do you know? What are their customs and traditions? Слайд 2 Have you heard about traditional Halloween games? Слайды 3,4
3. Проверкадомашнегозадания. At home you read the dialogue “Halloween party” (Ex.6 p.92) and learnt about some Halloween traditions. Now, let’s read the dialogue in pairs. (дети читают диалог по ролям)
The next task for you is to listen to the statements and agree or disagree with them. If you agree, stand up if you don’t agree, sit still. (Take off-Touch down)
- People dress up in costumes of ghosts and witches in Halloween.
- Children put on black sheets and knock their neighbours’ door.
- “Trick or treat” is a funny Halloween tradition.
- If people give children sweets, they don’t play tricks and go away.
- One of the tricks is to throw rubbish on the doorstep.
- People cut an ugly face in a pumpkin and put a candle inside.
- In Halloween Party the hall is decorated with pumpkins.
Now, answer the following questions:
- How do people dress up to the Halloween parties and are they interesting?
- What is “trick-or-treat”?
- What do people make of pumpkins?
You should first tell answers each other using Single Round Robin. Each group will answer only one question. (Дети отвечают на вопросы по группам. Используется структура SingleRoundRobin. Обсуждение начинают ученики под номером 3. Ученики под номером 2 отвечают на вопросы.) Слайды 5,6,7
4. Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме.
To learn more about Halloween we’ll need new words on this topic.
Слайд 8. Read and repeat the words. Guess their meanings
bat bone pumpkin
broom skeleton Moon
costume spider dead
ghost spirit scary
goblin vampire werewolf
monster witch
5. Тренировкалексикивупражнениях.
Try to make some word combinations with these words. (Дети составляют словосочетания).
Find the new words in the grid and cross them out (на интерактивной доске)
V |
C |
S |
P |
I |
R |
I |
T |
A |
V |
B |
G |
C |
B |
A |
T |
M |
B |
H |
H |
T |
H |
W |
L |
P |
P |
G |
O |
B |
L |
I |
N |
I |
P |
F |
S |
L |
L |
T |
O |
R |
I |
I |
T |
K |
P |
C |
E |
E |
H |
L |
V |
N |
G |
H |
Q |
W |
E |
R |
E |
W |
O |
L |
F |
Fill in the crossword (на интерактивной доске)
5G |
6M |
1H |
A |
L |
L |
O |
W |
E |
E |
N |
O |
N |
S |
3S |
K |
E |
L |
E |
T |
O |
N |
2W |
I |
T |
C |
H |
T |
E |
4B |
R |
O |
O |
M |
1. This holiday is celebrated on the 31st of October.
2. She rides on a broom.
3. It is made of bones.
4. Witches use it as a transport.
5. Spirit of a dead. 6.It is a very big and scary creature.
Translate from Russian into English:
а) метла ведьмы, костюм привидения, страшный домовой, огромное чудовище, сладкая тыква, опасный паук, дух мертвых, вампиры и оборотни б) 1. Я боюсь привидений.2. У ведьмы есть метла.3. Дети одеваются в костюмы вампиров, чудовищ и разных оборотней.4. Домовые любят пауков.5.Фонарь Джека делают из тыквы.
Физкультминутка. Танец ведьмы. Используется структура FollowtheLeader Дети танцуют под музыку песни “Halloween Song”
(AR Guide) Now I’ll give you statements, read them, if you agree, in the column BEFORE write “yes”, if you don’t agree, write “no.”(Дети пишут ответы «да» или «нет» в левой колонке)
Halloween is celebrated on the 21st of October |
Halloween came from Ireland were Celts lived |
It was first named Hallows Eve then it was changed to Halloween |
In Halloween people dress up like witches and ghosts |
The tradition of Halloween was carried to America |
Some people in Europe made Jack-o-lanterns from turnips |
Children go from house to house and say “trick or treat” |
One of the most important symbols of Halloween is jack-o-lantern |
Now you will watch video ”The origins of Halloween” where the narrator will tell you about the origins , history and some traditions of Halloween. Listen to him attentively and then you will put yes\no answers in the column AFTER (Дети просматривают видео затем заносят ответы в правой колонке)
Now answer the questions: 1.What have you learnt after watching the film? (Обсуждают в группе ответы товарищей. Используется структура SingleRoundRobin.)
2. What is the most interesting thing for you in Halloween among these statements? Why?
6. Диалогическаяречьпотеме.
It’s time to go to the Halloween party. Invite your friends to go there. First find your Clock –Buddies and meet with them at 9 o’clock. Here are your dialogues, but first you should put the sentences in the logical order. Then act out the dialogues. I’ll give you 2 minutes for discussion. The pupil who is taller will start the conversation (Дети готовят диалог используя структуру Rally Robin)
- Of course, I’ll go there with pleasure. I have a witch costume.
- Oh, that’s nice, and I’m going to dress up like a ghost.
- Will you go to the Halloween party with me tomorrow evening?
- Fantastic! When shall we go?
- Ok. See you soon.
- Let’s meet at the park at 5 p.m.
Now act out your dialogues. Thank your partners.
7. Домашнеезадание. At home you should complete the text about Halloween filling in the necessary information. Слайд 9. Then you will prepare message about this holiday. You may add more information using the Internet and finding more interesting facts about this wonderful holiday.
Halloween is celebrated on … . It came from Ireland were … lived. People dress up like… . They decorate their houses with … . Children go from house to house and say … . If people give them sweets, they …, if not they play trick on them like throwing … . The main symbol of Halloween is Jack-o lantern. It is made of … . They cut an ugly face in a pumpkin and put a … . It shines through the eye holes. On Halloween night people play traditional games like getting an apple from a … without using hands. Another game is to find a coin in a bowl full of … . Halloween parties are usually of great fun, especially for children.
8. Подведение итогов.