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Сценарий урока английского языка для 10 класса "Advantages and Disadvantages of Scientific Progress"

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Автор: Мелешко Диана Игоревна

Цели урока:
Образовательная цель:
  • совершенствование лексических навыков по теме;
  • развитие умений монологической речи, восприятия и понимания речи на слух;
  • развитие умений чтения;
Развивающая цель: 
  • развитие догадки по контексту;
  •  формирование критического мышления;
Воспитательная цель:
-воспитание культуры мышления;
-развитие умения осознавать степень влияния научного прогресса на личность;
-развитие умения уважать чужую точку зрения;
Коммуникативная задача: обсудить положительные и отрицательные стороны научного прогресса;
Речевойматериал: scientific progress, technology, influence, researches, explore, discovery, investigate, advance, ;
Оснащение урока: печатный текст, аудиомагнитола, аудиозаписи к уроку, мультимедийные слайды, учебное пособие для учащихся “English 10” (авторы Н.В. Юхнель, А.Г. Наумова, Е.А. Родовская).
Ход урока

Этап урока

Задачи этапа

Действия учителя

Действия учеников

1.Начало урока

1.Приветствие учителя (1 мин)




(3 мин)

Наладить взаимодействие с учащимися; пробудить интерес



Ввести учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения






Подвести учащихся к теме урока





Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

I’m very glad to see you! How are you?

According to the latest scientific news, new smartphone app “My Shake” can detect nearby quakes. So you see that science is such an agreeable thing!

 But some people are not so enthusiastic about scientific progress.F.ex. George Bernard Shaw once said “ Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more.”Do you agree with him? Why?


Look at the board and guess what the title of our lesson is

Ученики приветствуют учителя;

отвечают на вопросы ;





высказывают мнение по поводу противоречивой пословицы,





по картинке догадываются о теме урока


(2 мин)

Настроить учащихся на активную работу на уроке; мотивировать их познавательную деятельность

Our aim today is to learn more about pros and cons of scientific progress. We are to discuss them during the lesson! During the lesson you are to make the chart “ Scientific progress .Pros/cons. Give examples of inventions  if there are any

Ученики слушают учителя, определяют в цели  урока,


начинают заполнять таблицу “ Scientific progress: pros and cons”


2. Основная часть

1)Речевая зарядка

(3 мин)

Актуализировать имеющиеся у учащихся знания по теме

We can’t imagine our life without modern inventions. What inventions do you use? Let’s play the “Snowball” game!

Учащиеся называют изобретения, которыми часто пользуются. (Слайд№6)

Повторение лексики организуется с помощью игры «Снежный ком»

2) Работа с мультимедийными слайдами

(7 мин)

Развивать речевые умения (говорение), проанализировать предстоящую деятельность

We see that each invention has its pros and cons. Now look at the screen and say whether the picture reveals the pros or the cons of  scientific progress.

Учащиеся знакомятся с изображениями, определяют положительные и отрицательные моменты научно-технического прогресса.


3)  Работа с аудиотекстом

(6 мин)

Прослушивание учащимися текста

Ответы на вопросы



Развивать умений восприятия и понимания речи на слух

And I’ve recently got the e-mail letter. Look! It is an invitation to the Webinar. I use e-mail quite often. And what about you?Do you know anything about @? Listen to the text and you’ll know who invented @ in the e-mail.

Учащиеся узнают о том, что учитель недавно получила письмо по электронной почте, настраиваются на прослушивание аудиотекста об изобретении значка @. Отвечают на вопросы по прослушанному тексту, в парах обсуждают его


4) Пауза для релаксации

(2 мин)






Снять у учащихся эмоционального напряжения, предупредить перенапряжение глаз


Now let’s have a rest!

Do exercises for your eyes!

Учащиеся выполняют упражнения для глаз, что сопровождается приятной мелодией

5) Работа учащихся с текстом по чтению

(6 мин)

Развивать умений чтения;

Развивать критическое мышление учащихся

Now read the text and put marks

I – interactive: "V"

N – noting: "+"

S – system:; ”?”

E – effective: R “– “reading

T – thinking

Учащиеся читают текст, используя метод «Insert» При чтении текста учащиеся на полях расставляют пометки “ V” — уже знал
“+” — новое
“-” — думал иначе
“?” — не понял, есть вопросы


6) Обсуждение учащимися прочитанного текста

(7 мин)

Развивать речевые умения говорения; совершенствовать навыки работы в группе)

Work in groups. Pupils that have the texts with the advantages will work in group 1, pupils with the disadvantages-group 2

Exchange the information about the scientific progress. One of the representatives is to persuade us tha scientific progress has more pros/cons.

Учащиеся объединяются в две группы: в первой группе учащиеся, в текстах которых описываются положительные стороны научного прогресса, во второй- наоборот. Обмениваются мнениями, один представитель с каждой группы готовится представить конечный результат


3.Заключительная часть урока

1)Разъяснение домашнего задания

(2 мин)









(4 мин)








3)Подведение итогов

(2 мин)



Показать преемственность и взаимосвязь классной и домашней работы





Развивать у учащихся умения оценивать результаты своей учебно- познавательной деятельности




Подвести итоги урока;

дать оценку речевой деятельности учащихся;


Now write down your hometask! You’re to write  an essay “ Technological progress does more good than harm”







At the end of the lesson try to think your attitude to the topic discussed at the lesson











Thank you for your work today!

Your marks today are…


Учащимся предлагается написать эссе на тему « Технологический прогресс имеет больше положительных, чем отрицательных сторон»


Учащиеся высказывают своё мнение в мини-дискуссии. Слабые учащиеся- с помощью развёрнутых ЛСС, средние –кратких ЛСС, сильные-без опор



Учитель благодарит учащихся за работу, оценивает каждого


Образец развёрнутой лексико-синтаксической схемы (для слабоуспевающих учащихся)
Your Opinion
Внимательно прочитай данную схему и выскажисвоё мнение по поводу технического прогресса
( Я считаю, у технологического прогресса…)

has more advantages, than disadvantages,

( больше положительных сторон, чем отрицательных)

Because (потомучто…)

1)-innovative medicine helps sick people

(инновационные лекарства помогают больным людям)

2) many inventions make our life easier, more comfortable

( многие изобретения делают нашу жизнь легче, комфортнее)

3) science helps us explore space

( наука помогает нам исследовать космос)


- 4) means of transport give us a wonderful possibility to travel all around the world, Internet connects people from different countries

( транспортные средства помогают нам путешествовать по всему миру, Интернет связывает людей из разных стран)

Hasmoredisadvantages, thanadvantages

( больше отрицательных сторон, чем положительных)

Because (потому что…)

1)    many dangerous viruses were invented by scientists

(смертельно опасные вирусы были созданы учёными)

2) modern inventions like internet engross people greatly

( изобретения типа интернета просто воруют наше время)

3)    people’s invasion into space, nature causes the world’s catastrophies

( вторжение человека в природу приводит к природным катаклизмам)

4)-genetically- modified food is very harmful to people’s health

(созданные с помощью генной инженерии продукты вредят здоровью)

Образец краткой ЛСС (для средних учащихся)
What is Your Opinion?
I think scientific progress…

has more advantages, than disadvantages,

Because …

 many inventions make our life easier, more comfortable


Has more disadvantages, than advantages

Because …

 modern inventions like internet catches our time greatly


Образец  индивидуальных текстов для чтения
For Iliya
1. Scientific research has first and foremost, helped in the medical field. 
- Cures to disease which long time back were supposed to be uncurable.
- Longer life span. (People live longer nowadays)

2. It is helpful in the cosmetic field. Not only does it make people feel more beautiful and hence get more self-confidence but also, it can help to improve people's lives. After an accident where the victim has been defaced or from birth itself, someone got 'facial malformations' (eg. hare lips), the latter can be given a new chance or a new life. Scientific research helps to correct the imperfections, the errors of nature.

3. Quite recently, we have started exploring space. Here also, the researches may prove to be very useful. Already, we have discovered atoms of water on Mars. Who knows? We may find new sources of energy. Our exhaustible and highly polluting sources of energy will soon be used up. Space exploration may be the solution to a better life for future generations to come.

For Nadya
1. Scientific research is very costly. We are spending a lot of money on a 'project' which results are uncertain while mankind in the third world are suffering from poverty.

2. Animal lovers always argue the fact that animals suffer during scientific experiences (animal testing). Indeed, during animal testing, many of them lose their lives vainly. During the researches, several animals may perish without getting any satisfying results.

3. Scientific research is a way to contradict nature's cycle but generally, 'nature knows best'. By alterating the natural cylce, we are fetching for problems. Already, we have started seeing the negative effects of our deeds...global warming...

 For Timophey

Science makes discoveries ... and the list would be interminable. The underlying question is: what use do we make of these discoveries? In some cases, it's a political issue - look at the huge number of scientists concerned with developing the atomic bomb who begged Truman not to actually use it to destroy cities. (Why were they developing the bomb in the first place? because they thought that Hitler had much of the necessary knowledge and wouldn't have been so conscientious about how he used it). In other cases where you could say that the findings of science may have been misused, it'll be either because they haven't yet extended their research - DDT did a brilliant job of eliminating malaria, saving milionsof lives, and only later did people like Rachel Carson point out the collateral damage. And there are commercial players involved now - so that many genetically modified agricultural products that have been bred to be disease-resistant have also got an added twist that means that the farmers have to buy new supplies each year.


For Vlad

In the past years there have been many revolutionary scientific discoveries which are of great importance for the environment. Most of the new technology is used to improve the quality of life, but in my opinion they often bring more harm than good.
Firstly, scientific experiments are dangerous for the environment-scientists can not always predict their effects . For example, recently became a popular GMO. Genes from GM crops may be included in the traditional, organic crops miles away. This leads to the extinction of natural plant. Furthermore GM crops can adversely affect our health, causing disease in both humans and animals . 
Moreover scientific progress is associated with technological progress. The more new devices, the greater the consumption of energy, raw materials, air pollution, etc. We should also remember, that the science has contributed to many disasters. A lot of harm to the environment caused nuclear power stations. Damages of reactors causing irreversible changes, (ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, THE DEATH OF ANIMALS AND EVEN PEOPLE


 For Tanya 

But I would add one more thing about the way science has done us good: it has actually given us the capacity to think like scientists - the hypothetico-deductive method, Occam's razor, Karl Popper's brilliant insight that science progresses by falsifying hypotheses in search of a better one. Without these essential tools for thinking and discovery, we would be vulnerable to any charlatan with a good story to tell - even if it can't be proved.

The same explosive that is used to cut a road through the mountains to bring goods and services to isolated villages can also be used to make a bomb to kill people.  The same electricity that powers an MRI machine also powers the electric chair on death row.  Nonetheless, I believe the advances of science have allowed an improvement in humanity, a positive effect on our quality of life.
For Anna
It’s difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.
Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. Let's compare our life nowadays with the life of people at the beginning of the 20th century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn't the slightest idea of the trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not.
They would seem miracles to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, airplanes, combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can't imagine our life without them. A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress, as it's rather rapid. Millions of investigations the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been made.
For Kate
The rapid scientific progress has aroused a number of problems that are a matter of our great concern. These are ecological problems, the safety of nuclear power stations, the nuclear war threat, and the responsibility of a scientist
Technology has turned us into disabled, lazy, incompetents, who no longer know how to do the most simplest of things without a calculator, a car, a computer. We have lost the ability to walk in the countryside, watch and interact with nature, we don't even talk to each other properly any more
For Alla
Other great inventions include: the cell phone, the hanger and the disposable diaper. In fact, some people may call these inventions some of the best inventions ever created. Their popularity is as a result of their high level of use, and their convenience.
The cell phone, hanger and disposable diaper are used every day, and they are sometimes used multiple times every day. The first cell phone was created by Motorola in 1973. It weighed a heavy 30 ounces (.8505 kg). Besides its weight, it also had a hefty retail price at around $3500 US Dollars when it was introduced.
Another great invention was the hanger. Before the hanger was invented people folded their clothes, or they would hang clothing on hooks. In 1869 OA North invented the wooden hanger. It was followed in 1903 by the wire hanger, but it was invented by a different individual. Just who created the wire hanger is a debatable topic. Some people believe it was Albert J. Parkhouse, while others credit Charles L. Patterson with the invention.
Despite the glory of the automobile, the light bulb, the telephone, the cell phone and the hanger, countless parents everywhere would surely name the disposable diaper as one of the best inventions. The diaper was created in 1950. Marion Donovan created the disposable diaper, and it was actually a cloth diaper with a disposable insert. This style of cloth/disposable diaper is still being used today.
For Julia
Many of us eat up to four meals a day thanks to excessive snacking. And when we have a snack we don’t eat a carrot or an apple. Instead we reach for junk food. But this is not always the children’s fault. Schools are full of vending machines that offer high calorie snacks and sugary soft drinks. To make things worse they are bombarded with TV ads and commercials for unhealthy food. Anaverage American eight-year old watches more than four thousand food ads a year. About 35% of these ads are for candy and snacks, another 10% for fast food.
Fast food is another reason for obesity. While some fast food chains offer healthy alternatives, these aren’t what people order. Today’s families also eat out a lot more than earlier generations.
For Marina
Robots entered everyday lives a long time ago. They are already used in many industries like car productionpackaging and especiallyin jobs, in which humans would be in danger. Robots that can do chores like cleaning the floor or mowing lawns are already availablein stores. In medicine, robots are used to replace limbs and other parts of the body.
Researchers claim that a new generation of robots will be able to do things that were unthinkable in the past. This new generation of machines will do household chores, educate children and even look after elderly people. Some say that the new robot revolution will besimilar to the invention of the PC in the 1970s and 80s.

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