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В центре Европы

Получить свидетельство
Автор: Будняя Ольга Николаевна

1. To develop pupils' skills of prepared and unprepared speech.
2. To teach pupils' skills to express their opinion.
3. To develop pupils' skills in reading.
4. To develop pupils' skills in listening.
5. To develop pupils' skills in writing.
6. To develop pupils’ skills to work in groups and in pairs
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Цели урока:
1. Познакомить со странами центральной Европы, с их достопримечательностями
2. Закрепить умения ориентироваться по карте.
Оборудование: презентации, видеоролики, аудиозаписи, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал, мяч.
Materials and aids: presentations, video films, recordings, multimedia-projector, cards, a ball.
Ход урока.
I. Вводный этап. 
1. Организационный момент.
Готовность к уроку.
Эмоциональный настрой на урок.
Good morning, dear friends. I am glad to see you. How are you? I hope you are doing well. Are you ready to start our journey?
Дети приветствуют учителя и садятся за рабочие места.
2.  Сообщение темы и целей урока.
Учитель: Today we are going to fly over the Europe, see its countries and capitals with their sights. Get on board of our plane. We are taking off!!
Сегодня мы полетим в Европу, познакомимся с названиями стран и столиц центральной Европы на английском языке  и с их достопримечательностями. Садитесь в самолет, мы отправляемся!
(короткометражное видео записи полета в самолете над облаками)
(звучит песня группы The Beatles)
Учитель: Where are we now ? (возможные ответы учеников)
Слайд № 1.Учитель: The first country we are flying over is Great Britain.
Слайды №№ 2,3. Учитель: Of course you know the capital of this country – London
Now let’s read a short text about this country
Ученики читают и переводят
Учитель: Do you know any places of interest in London?  (варианты ответов учеников – Big Ben, The Tower)
Слайд № 4, 5 . Учитель: These are also sights of London -  The Millennium Wheel and the unusual monument -  the Weeman
(звучит мотив немецкой народной песни)
Cлайд № 6. Учитель: The next country. Can you recognize the flag of this country? (ответы учеников)
Слайд № 7,8. Учитель:Have a look at. This country is rather big. What is the capital of it? (ответы учеников)
Слайд № 9, 10 Учитель: Of course you are right. This is Berlin. Do you know any sightseeing? These are famous Brandenburg gates. And this merry house is also in Berlin – the Happy house of Rizzi
(звучит мотив фламенко)
Слайд №  11. Учитель: Guess where we now (ответы учеников)…..We are in Spain
Слайд № 12. Учитель: This is a map of Spain
Слайд № 13 – 17. Учитель: And this is what Spain is famous for: the Torre Agbar, corrida, flamenco
(короткометражный ролик с танцем фламенко)
(звучит песня Адриано Челентано)
Учитель: What country are we flying over at the moment? (ответы учеников)
Слайд № 18. Учитель: Yes, this is Italy
Слайд № 19. Учитель:Have a look at its map. It looks like a boot. It is always easy to find Italy on the map. What is the capital of it? (ответы учеников) What sites can you visit in Italy? (ответы учеников)
Слайды №№ 20, 21. Учитель: This is Panthenon and the PizanTower
Учитель: Aren’t you tired of flying? You have been sitting for quite a long time! Let’s dance a little bit. Our plane will be fine if we dance a little bit.
Now we are moving on and..
(звучит французская песня)
Учитель: Yes we are in France
Слайд № 22. This is a flag of France.
Слайд № 23. This is a map. What is the capital? (ответы учеников)
Слайд №№ 24,25. These are places of interest: The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Arc de Triumph
Учитель: Now our plane is moving to the east. And now we are in….. (звучит мотив швейцарской песни йодль) (ответы учеников)
Слайд № 26 Switzerland. This is a flag of this country
Cлайд №. 27 This is a map. To what countries is it close? (ответы учеников)
Слайд №. 28This is the capital of Switzerland - Bern . Switzerland is famous for the Alps
Слайд № 29. The Glaziers – this is Aletch Glazier
Слайд № 30. and its stunning castles. This is one of them – ChillonCastle
Учитель:Now let’s go further. We are crossing the borders of countries easily and quickly
(звучит португальская народная песня)
Учитель:Where are we now? (ответы учеников)
Слайд № 31. We are in Portugal. And the capital of it is Lisbon.
Слайд № 32. This is a map of Portugal and one of its sightseeing – Castle Torre de Belem
Слайд № 33. And this is the well – known Cabo Rocha. All the sailors sailed from Cabo Rocha to discover new lands.
Учитель: Our flight is coming to the end. The passengers are tired and hungry but there is still one more country left (звучит чешская народная песня). Guess what country is this (ответы учеников)
Слайд № 34. This is the CzechRepublic
Слайд № 35. This is a map of it. It is rather small.
Слайд № 36, 37. The country is famous for its castles.
Учитель: As we are flying back let’s repeat the names of the countries we have just seen from our plane. Repeat after me
(короткометражный ролик полета над облаками)
Учитель:Ourplanehasjustlanded. Let’s see what we have learnt
раздаточныйматериал № 1 – картаЕвропы
Now let’s divide into pairs, find the countries we have seen, color them with different pencils and put down their names
(первые сделавшие 3 пары получают наклейки в портфолио)
Good job, students. Now let’s see how you have remembered the capitals of these countries.
Раздаточныйматериал № 2 . Complete the task – match the countries with their capitals)
Let’s read a short text about Great Britain
Ребята, я предлагаю вам прочитать еще раз небольшой рассказ на английском языке о Англии. Слайд № 1.
Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital of Great Britain is London. It is a nice city. Great Britain attracts many tourists from all over the world. It is known for its palaces, parks, castles, beautiful old cathedrals, churches, museums, galleries and memorials. There are a lot of monuments in Germany. Many famous people were born and lived in this country. For example: Shakespeare, J.Lennon and many others. People are kind, polite, reserved, strict and punctual. They like to eat fish and chips, meat and vegetables. Do you want to visit Great Britain?
Учитель. Let’s divide into two groups and using the information from the text and the slides tell the short story about Great Britain. Thenwewillcomparewhosestoryisbetter.
Используя информацию из прочитанного текста и опорные карточки со словами, составьте и скажите несколько предложений о Великобритании.
(время на подготовку, пересказ по группам, победившим – наклейки)
IV. Закреплениеизученногоматериала.
Now let’s play a game with a ball and answer the questions (оборудование – мяч). I throw a ball you will answer and return the ball to me.
Учитель. Where is Switzerland?
Дети. It is next to Germany.
Учитель. What is it famous for?
Дети. The Alps.
Учитель. What is Cabo Pocha?
Дети. A place in Portugal
Учитель. What is the CzeshRepublic famous for?
Дети. It is famous for its castles
УчительWhat are the colours of the flag of Italy?
Дети. Green, red and white
Учитель. How does the map of Italy look like?
Дети. It look like a boot.
Учитель. What are words associations with Spain?
Дети. Corrida, flamenco
Учитель. What is the capital of Spain?
Дети. Madrid
Учитель. What are the sights in France?
Дети. The EiffelTower, the Louvre
V. Итогурока.
Учитель. Today during our flight we have learnt the names of some countries in Europe, their capitals, their maps and places of interest.
VII. Рефлексия.
Учитель. At the beginning of the class you were fine. What about now? How are you? Showmethecardsignalingyourmood
(показывают ту сигнальную карточку, которая определяет их настроение на данный момент). \
The lesson is over! Let’s have a break.