План урока.
Тема: Место, где мы живем. Введение в тему.
Цели урока:
1. Познакомить учащихся с новой темой и лексикой «Место, где мы живём».
2. Развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки во всех аспектах речевой деятельности обучающихся.
3. Повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.
Предметные результаты
Метапредметные результаты и деятельность учащихся
Научаться употреблять названия комнат в устной речи.
Познавательные: общеучебные умения:
1. Развивать умение составлять связное высказывание.
2. Учить читать небольшое сообщение и полностью понимать прочитанное.
3. Развивать умения слушать и понимать английскую речь.
Регулятивные: принимать и сохранять учебную задачу; адекватно воспринимать оценку учителя и товарищей; планировать свое действие.
Коммуникативные: формировать коммуникативно-речевые действия, конструктивные способы взаимодействия с окружающими.
Методы обучения:
по восприятию информации: словесные, наглядные, практические;
стимулирующие: создание ситуации занимательности, успеха;
систематизирующие: обобщение и систематизация знаний;
контроля: индивидуальный и фронтальный опрос.
Тип урока: ознакомление с новым материалом.
Оборудование: ноутбук, монитор, картинки, слайды, учебник английского языка И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой, 4 класс.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
T. Good morning, girls and boys. I am glad to see you.
P. Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.
T. How are you today?
P. Fine, thank you.
T. Who is on duty today?
P. I am on duty today.
T. Who is absent today?
P. All are present.
T. What date is it today?
P. Today the twelfth of November.
T. What day of the week is it today?
P. It is Wednesday.
T. What can you say about today’s weather?
P. Today is cold, cloudy, dirty.
T. Thank you, sit down please.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
T. Let’s begin our lesson with phonetic drill. Now we learn new poem.
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why Willy, why Willy,
Why Willy, why?
III. Речевая зарядка.
Well done. Now, answer my questions, please. We remember about School life.
-What is your favourite subject is?
P. My favourite subjects is English.
T. And what about you , Lilya?
P. My favourite subject is Math.
T. What lessons do you have on Tuesday?
P. We have Math, English, Tatar Literature, Music.
T. What time do your lessons begin at?
P. Our lessons begin at half past eight.
T. What do you do on English lessons?
P. We read, write, sing a songs and talk.
T. Do you go to school on Sunday?
P. No, we don’t.
T. Do you wear school uniform?
P. Yes, we do.
IV. Формирование знаний и умений.
T. Very well, thank you for your answers. Look at the board. You can see there pictures. Tell me please, what can you see there?
P.A house
T. What is it?
P. Спальня.
T. A bedroom. Repeat after me , a bedroom. And what is it?
P. Ванная.
T. A bathroom. What is it?
Р. Кухня.
T. A kitchen. What ca you see in this picture?
P. Зал, гостинная.
T. A living room. What is it?
Р. Туалет
T. A toilet. Well, how do you think what will we talk about on our lesson?
P. We will talk about houses, rooms.
T. All right, today we will talk about houses, flats, rooms. The topic of our lesson is The place we live in.
Look at the board . There are new words of this topic. Now you listen and learn how pronounce these words. Be attentive please. Well, take your vocabularies and write these words.
Flat- квартира
Bedroom- спальня
Kitchen- кухня
Bathroom- ванная
Living room- зал, гостиная
Hall- прихожая
Toilet- туалет
Wall- стена
Window- окно
Door- дверь
Let’s read these words.
V. Физкультминутка.
Stand up, please. Let’s do exercises. Are you ready? Let’s begin.
VI. Закрепление знаний и умений.
Thank you, sit down, please. Open your books on page 80 exercise 7. Aisilu, read the task please.
P. Read and guess what is it? Прочитайте и догадайтесь что это?
T. Let’s begin.
P1: a place we live in- a house;
P2: a place where we cook food- a kitchen;
P3:a place where we take a shower- a bathroom;
P4: a place where we wash the dishes- a kitchen;
P5 a place where we wash our face and hands- a bathroom;
P6: beautiful things that grow in the fields and forests- a flower.
T. Well done, boys and girls. Now play a guessing game. Think a new word. Let your classmates guess what it is. Example on page 81 exercise 10.
P1. Is it a bedroom?
P2. No, it isn’t.
P3. Is it a kitchen?
P2. No, it isn’t.
P4. Is it living room?
P2 .Yes, it is.
VII. Практика в чтении и устной речи.
T. Well done. Now open the books on page 82 and find exercise 13. Alina, read the task, please.
P. Read and say why and when the family left for Moscow?
T. Thank you, Alina. Let’s read the letter. Do you understand this letter?
P. Yes, we do. Now, answer the question about text.
P. Because they wanted to live in comfortable flat in town.
T. And when did the family leave for Moscow?
P. In May.
T.Very well. Let’s do task b. You must say which statements are not right. Correct them.
P1. Alec’s family lived in a large house last year. No, they lived in a small house.
P2. They lived in Moscow last year. No, they lived in the country.
P3. There was no kitchen in the family’s house. No, there was a small kitchen.
P4. Alec’s room is nice now. Yes, it is.
P5. The walls of his room are blue. No, the walls are yellow.
P6. There no pictures on the wall. No, there are beautiful pictures on them.
P7. The boy has got a nice yellow carpet on the floor. No, the carpet is brown.
T. Well done, children. And now, I want you to play game “Snow ball” . One of you must say I have got a kitchen, another pupil must say this sentence and add one more room.
P1. I have got a kitchen.
P2. I have got a kitchen and living room.
P3. I have got a kitchen, living room and bathroom….
VIII. Тренировка в аудировании.
T. Excellent job. Listen to the text about Pete’s house and answer the questions.
Pete lives in a house in the country. His house is not very big. There are four rooms in his house: a bedroom, a living-room, a bathroom and a kitchen. There is also a hall and a toilet in Pete’s house. When Pete leaves the house he locks the door with the key. Pete goes into town by car.
Do you understand this text. I think, you do. Now, answer my questions.
- Where does Pete live?
- How many rooms has Pete got? What are they?
- What rooms has Pete got else?
- Does Pete lock the house when he go into town?
IX. Итоги урока.
T. Very well, thank you boys and girls. Our lesson is going to the end.
Let’s sum up. What did we learn today? What did we do at the lesson?
Did we learn new words?
Did we read?
Did we write?
Did we listen and talk ?
P. Yes, we did.
P1: We learnt more about the place where live in and what rooms we have at home.
P2: we knew about Alec’s and Pete’s house.
P3: Now we can talk to our English friends about our homes and ask them about their homes.
T. Well done. Your marks are:… Thank you for your excellent job on today’s lesson. Your home task is to learn new words and do ex.13 on page 82.
The lesson is over. Good bye!