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Открытый урок по английскому языку "Is Russian an Inernational Language?"

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Автор: Панькова Ольга Владимировна

Тип: Урок комплексного применения знаний и уменийь (урок закрепления)
Цель урока: развивать познавательные интересы обучающихся при обсуждении проблемы “Is Russian an International Language?”    
1. Актуализация изученного лексического материала по теме "Russian is an International Language" в устной речи обучающихся.
2. Развитие умений обучающихся  разрабатывать мини-проекты в малых группах.
3. Воспитание коммуникативной иноязычной культуры.
Универсальные учебные действия:
Коммуникативные:  осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации для выражения своих чувств, мыслей и потребностей; организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками; формулировать, аргументировать и отстаивать своё мнение;
Личностные:  применять концепции гуманистического мышления в познавательной, коммуникативной и социальной практике;
Познавательные:  использовать навыки смыслового чтения; определять понятия, создавать обобщения, устанавливать аналогии, самостоятельно выбирать основания и критерии для классификации, делать выводы;
Регулятивные УУД:  самостоятельно определять цели своего обучения,  соотносить свои действия с планируемыми результатами, осуществлять контроль своей деятельности в процессе достижения результата, оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи.
 Планируемые результаты:
1. Предметные результаты:
- расширить словарный запас в ходе работы над темой урока;
- совершенствовать навык аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации;
- совершенствовать навык изучающего чтения;
- отрабатывать фонетические и орфографические умения и навыки;
- развивать навык монологического высказывания при разработке и презентации мини-проектов.
2. Личностные результаты:
- расширять кругозор;
- воспитывать коммуникативную иноязычную культуру;
- повышать общий культурный уровень;
- развивать коммуникативные навыки.
3. Метапредметные результаты:
- развивать навык работы в малых группах; 
- формировать умения делать выводы и обобщения по основным проблемам темы;
- формировать умения самостоятельнорешать проблемы на основе изученного материала.
Основные понятия: Russian international words, official language, literary heritage, tourism, science, to be awarded a prize.
Межпредметные связи: русский язык, обществознание.
Основные: УМК Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н., Бабушис Е.Е., «Английский с удовольствием» / Enjoy English, 7 класс, Обнинск, Титул, 2013 (учебник, тетрадь на печатной основе, аудиоприложение).
Дополнительные: компьютер, проектор, экран; учебник, тетрадь на печатной основе, раздаточный дидактический материал, электронная презентация (Microsoft Office PowerPoint), текст “Russian Language”, карточки оценивания, карточки рефлексии.

Ход урока
I. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной деятельности.
Organizing the group. aims and  objectives. (10 мин.)
1. Организационныймомент. (2 мин)
- Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Look at each other, smile, send positive emotions to your classmates. Select the “smiley” that matches your mood at the moment.
- How are you?  
P1:-I’m fine.                               
P2: -I’m a little nervous, etc.
- Don’t worry. Be active and smart. Tell me, please, what date and day are today?
- Lets start our English lesson.
2. Постановка учебной задачи. (8 мин.)
Презентация по теме “Russia”
-  Look at the slide, please.  (Слайд 1) 
- What can you see in the screen?        
P: -It’s a map of Russia.
- What else can you see?
P1,2,3- I can see the Kremlin, a troika, a samovar, a balalaika, a sputnik,  Matryoshka, Peter the Great, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Gagarin.
- I agree with you. In this slide we can see the greatest people of  Russia and the main Russian symbols. People all over the world know these worlds, they are international. And, what do you think we are going to speak about at the lesson?
P1,2,3…- We’re going to speak  about Russian international words, about Russian language, literature, culture; we’re going to speak about great Russian people.   
- Make up the title of our lesson using these words: “language, international, Russian, an, is” important for people from other countries to learn the Russian language.
P (Надоске): -“Is Russian an International Language?
- Today we’ll speak about Russian as an international language. You will work in groups and make mini-projects in which you’ll try to answer “Why?” ( Надоске) it is important for people from other countries to learn the Russian language.
II. Актуализация имеющихся знаний.
Actualization of know ledge.
1.Фонетическая разминка.
- First let’s remember one of the best poems of Russian literature. Listen to the recording. (Слушаютзаписьстихотворения)
- Who is the author of the poem?       
P – A.S. Pushkin.
- What is the title of the poem?            
P – Winter Morning.
- Who can read this part of the poem in Russian?
(Рассказывают стихотворение на русском языке)
- Lets learn how to recite the poem, let’s do some phonetic drilling. Look at the screen and say after me.
 (Слайд 2)

                beauty  [jH]              [IN]                               

      awake, away   [eI]        blazing                         

             sunshine   [QI]           rising

 northern, Aurora   [L]         scoring, morning

sweet, sleep, mee[J]

            star, cast   [R]


лайд 3)
 Winter Morning
Snow, frost and sunshine… Lovely morning!
Yet you, dear love, its magic scoring,
Are still in bed… Awake, my sweet!..
Cast sleep away, I beg, and, rising,
Yourself  a northern star, the blazing
Aurora, northern beauty,  meet.
-  Read the poem by line.  
-  Now recite it all together. CL
- Who wants to recite the poem?
P1, P2
- Whose reciting do you like best? Why?
What mark shall we put him/her?
P – It is “a five” because…, etc.









2. Речевая разминка.
- Leo Tolstoy said (Надоске):“The Russian language is great and mighty”. Let’s remember the adjectives that can describe the Russian language. What words can help us?
- Let’s play the game “Snowball”. The first pupil will name one word, the second will repeat it and add another word, the next pupil will repeat two words and say one more. The winner is the pupil who will repeat the chain of all the words on the topic.
P1 – International.
P2 – International and native.
P3 – International and native and difficult.
P4 – International and native and difficult and modern, etc.
3. Контроль  домашнего задания. Тренировка навыков перевода.
- It’s time to check up your homework. Last lesson we read the text about the International Russian language and Literature Olympiad for schoolchildren. Let’s remember some words and word expressions from the text.
1) First check ex.22 at p.58.
You had to find and write down the synonyms of the words and word combinations from this exercise. Exchange your exercise books and check if your partner is right.
(Обсуждаются три работы.)
2) Then let’s check ex.24, p.58. You had to translate some sentences from Russian into English. Please, read the sentences in Russian and in English in chain.
III. Физминутка.  DYNAMIC BREAK.
- I can see you are tired. It’s time to have a rest. Will you stand up and do some exercises.
Arms up! Clap! Clap!
Arms down! Clap! Clap!
Feet apart! Feet together!
Turn left! Hop! Hop!
Turn right! Hop! Hop!
- Very good! Sit down, please.
IVAктивизация навыков аудирования и чтения.
1. Слушание части текста “RussianLanguage” с выборочным извлечением информации. 
- We are going to listen to the text about Russian Language. But first let’s remember the most commonly spoken languages in the world. Which language do most people speak in the world?  
P – Chinese…
- Which is the most popular second language in the world?
P - English…
- What can you say about Russian language.
P – Russian is the 5th most spoken language by total number of speakers.
- How do you think what countries speak Russian as the official language? 
P1, 2, 3… - Russia, Byelorussia, the Ukraine…
- Listen to the recording and check if you were right.
2. Чтение текста “RussianLanguage” с последующим обсуждением и заполнением таблицы.
- The next task for you is to read the text “Russian Language”. But there are some new worlds in the text. Let’s red and translate them.
(Слайд 4)

United  Nations  Organization – Организация   

                                 Объединенных  Наций

Eurasia [jV´reIZq] – Евразия

Slavic [´slRvik] languages – славянские языки

Byelorussia [͵bielqV´rASq] – Белоруссия

Kazakhstan [͵kxzxk´stRn] – Казахстан

Spaniards [´spxnjqdz] – Испанцы

to declare [dI´kleq] – объявлять  

literary heritage [´herItIG] – литературноенаследие

fame [feIm] – слава

eventful [Iv´entfl] – богатыйсобытиями

landmark [´lxndmRk] – памятник


- Read the text passages and answer the main question of the lesson “Why should people from other countries lean Russian?”
Name the reasons for learning Russian Language by the foreign people and fill in the table. We’ll read the text in chain.
1st part: P1, 2 – The Russian Language is one of the 6th official languages in the world. It is one of the most popular languages in the world.
2nd part: P1 – Russian Language is famous for writers and their literary heritage.
3rd part: P1, 2 – Nowadays thousands of people from all over the world visit Russia. Foreign tourists visit Russia to explore its places of interest.
4th part: P1, 2 – The great names of Russian scientists are well-known in all fields of science: biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics.Russian is the language of outer space
Надоске: Is Russian an International Language?

Official language






. Творческое применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации.
- Divide into groups of four. Chose one of the topic from the table and give a description of the reason in written form. We’ll listen to your answers in 5 minutes.        
1. Russian as an official language. Peacekeeping.        Слайд 5.
2. Literary heritage. The Day of  Russian Language.     Слайд 6.
3. Russia for tourists Russian tourists abroad.             Слайд 7.
4. Russian scientists. The first in spaсе.                    Слайд 8.
VI. Контроль и самооценка знаний и способов действий.
- How do you like our projects? Which group was the best?
Let’s put marks to our groups. Sveta, how do you think?
P1 – Group №1. It is “a five” because…,etc.
- Children, do you agree with Sveta? 
P2 – Yes, she is right/No, She isn’t right. I think…
- Sveta, I agree with you, etc.       
VII. Подведение итогов урока.
- We’ve done a lot today. We’ve done everything I want you to do: worked on the topic “Russian as an International Language”, you read a text, recited a poem, spoke a lot, made excellent projects. You worked in pairs, in groups, and all together. That’s why your marks are good and excellent.
VIII. Домашнее задание. 
- Your home task is in your Workbooks: ex.1, 2 (a, b), p.38,39. Please, write down the task in your daybooks.
IX. Рефлексия.
- It’s time to finish our lesson. Look at each other, smile, send positive emotions to your classmates. Select the “smiley” that matches your mood at the moment.
- Tell me, please if you knew something interesting.
P1 – Yes, we knew much interesting.
- What did you know?      
P2 – I knew that it is important for many people from all over the world to lean Russian.
- What did you like?
P3 – I liked to…
- Was it difficult?
P4 – Yes/No, because…  
X. Завершениеурока
- Thank you for your work. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and useful for you. That’s all for today. Good bye, boys and girls.

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