Войти / Зарегистрироваться

Different countries-different cultures

Получить свидетельство
Автор: Шакирова Зиля Фаргатовна

Настоящая программа предназначена для организации обучения по элективной дисциплине «Different countries – different cultures» учащихся 9-х классов основной предпрофильной школы по гуманитарно-лингвистическому профилю, количество учащихся в группе 6-8 человек.
Программа адресована педагогам и учащимся основной школы, которые планируют в дальнейшем выбрать лингвистическое направление.
В связи с прогрессивным развитием общества в последние годы наблюдается все больший интерес к иностранному языку. Стремление изучать этот предмет объясняется многими причинами. Одна из которых – желание путешествовать по миру, обогащать свои знания в общении с представителями различных стран и культур, а без знания хотя бы одного иностранного языка это сделать очень трудно. Самым популярным иностранным языком, на котором говорит большая часть населения земного шара, считается английский. Поэтому не случайно одним из распространенных языков изучаемых в школе, является именно английский язык.
Предложенная современной школе модель предпрофильной подготовки включает курсы по выбору. Применительно к филологическому профилю и предмету «Иностранный язык» предоставляется возможность введения курса по выбору для учащихся 9 классов «Different countries – different cultures».
Актуальность данного курса заключается в том, что курс предоставляет ученику возможность расширить  свой кругозор в области филологии и страноведения, реализовать интерес к предмету, проверить свою профессиональную ориентацию, устремления, утвердиться в сделанном выборе. 
Общее гуманитарное развитие школьников в процессе изучения иностранного языка неотделимо от знакомства с культурой страны, язык которой они изучают. Существенной характеристикой данного курса является личностная направленность, т.е. ученик рассматривается не только как объект, но и как субъект обучения. Содержание курса строится таким образом, чтобы создавались возможности для выявления индивидуальных склонностей и творческой уникальности ученика.
Целью данного курса является  воспитание нравственно-эстетической личности, всесторонне развитой, уважающей и интересующейся наследием других стран и своей страны в целом.
Курс рассчитан на 17 часов и включает в себя следующие задачи:
- изучить историю происхождения языка;
- ознакомить с общей информацией о США и Англии;
- ознакомить с тематической лексикой;
- изучить и сравнение модели образования в США, Англии и РТ;
- углубление знаний по грамматике английского языка;
- изучение культуры татарского народа;
- развить интерес и уважение к иноязычной культуре;
- практиковать учащихся в говорении
Данная программа отвечает требованиям к обязательному минимуму по английскому языку, предлагает дополнительный материал, который позволяет лучше усвоить материал школьной программы и более качественно подготовиться к урокам. Содержание курса способствует приобретению навыков понимания содержания текстов разных жанров, восприятия на слух основного содержания несложных аутентичных текстов и выделения для себя отдельной значимой информации. Курс позволяет овладеть необходимым лексическим минимумом английского языка и получить ряд интересных сведений об Англии и США. Этот курс содержит интересные страноведческие материалы, которые знакомят с Великобританией и США, ее традициями и обычаями, дают информацию о национальной культуре и способствует расширению лингвострановедческой компетенции. Все тексты имеют необходимое лексическое и фразеологическое наполнение, в них учтен опыт лучшей литературы.
Элективный курс «Different countries – different cultures» характеризуется:
межпредметностью (содержание материала требует изучения  сведении из разных областей знания, например, русского языка, географии, экономики, и др.);
многоуровневостью (с одной стороны, необходимо овладение различными языковыми средствами, соотносящимися с аспектами языка: лексическим, грамматическим, с другой - умениями в данных видах речевой деятельности);
полифункциональностью (может выступать как цель обучения и как средство приобретения сведений в самых различных областях знания),
что позволяет формировать все аспекты коммуникативной компетенции (речевой, языковой, социокультурной, учебно-познавательной, компенсаторной компетенций) комплексно в процессе обучения.
Новизна курса заключается в том, что при организации занятий создаются ситуации, в которых каждый ученик выполняет индивидуальную работу и принимает активное участие в работе группы.
Теоретическая направленность курса заключается в использовании широкого энциклопедического и литературоведческого материала.
Практическая направленность проявляется в постижении учащимися теоретического материала через опыт самостоятельного анализа текстов, энциклопедических и слайдовых материалов на английском языке.
Материалы для практической работы составляют ситуативные диалоги, тесты, сканворды и др.
Содержание курса предполагает работу с разными источниками информации. Каждая тема элективного курса включает в себя самостоятельную, групповую и коллективную работу. При организации занятий важно создать ситуации, в которых каждый ученик мог бы выразить свои мысли на английском языке по заданной теме и принять участие в работе группы.
Структура уроков включает в себя основной текст с переводом на русский язык, словарь-минимум, текст для чтения, практические упражнения, грамматический комментарий, грамматические тесты. Содержание курса предполагает работу с различными источниками информации. В основе курса – использование методики Efecta. Форма обучения – коммуникативно-направленная  групповая работа.
В качестве конечного продукта самостоятельной деятельности обучающихся будет проведение открытого урока-проекта в форме круглого стола с приглашением учеников и учителей. Участие  обучающихся в подготовке и проведении данного урока будет дополнительным компонентом индивидуального портфеля их учебных достижений.
В содержание данного элективного курса входят все виды речевой деятельности: чтение, аудирование, говорение, письмо.
Учебно-познавательная деятельность учащихся может быть индивидуальной, парной, групповой. Основной линией следует считать коммуникативные умения, которые представляют собой результат овладения на каждом этапе обучения. Основной целью обучения иностранным языкам является формирование коммуникативной компетенции.
Содержание элективного курса предлагает учащимся следующие возможности самоопределения:
- выбор объектов изучения;
- выбор форм и видов текущих и итоговых работ;
- тему и форму представления итоговой работы.
В результате обучения учащиеся должны
- историю происхождения английского языка;
- иметь общее представление об Англии и США;
- политическую систему США, Англии  и РТ;
-говорить о географическом положении и праздниках в США, Англии и РТ;
-выражать свое мнение по отношению к каждой стране;
-воспринимать на слух и понимать краткие сообщения;

Содержательная часть
Программа и учебный план
Перечень тем и разделов на изучение
Тема №1. Введение. «Different countries – different cultures» (1)
Значение изучения английского языка в современном мире, информация об обычаях и традициях страны изучаемого языка, англичанах и их характере в сравнении с татарской культурой..
Тема№2. Происхождение английского языка (1)
История происхождения английского языка, этапы развития.
Тема №3. Общие сведения о Великобритании и Англии (2)
Географическое положение, города, реки, национальные праздники.
Тема №4.Образование в Англии (2)
Школы, колледжи, университеты.
Тема №5.Общие сведения о США (2)
Географическое положение, города, национальные праздники.
Тема №6.Образование в США (2)
Школы, колледжи, университеты.
Тема №7. Республика Татарстан. Образование в РТ. (2)
Географическое положение, города, реки, национальные праздники, колледжи, специальные школы, институты.
Тема№8. США, Великобритания и РТ в сравнении (3)
Географические положения, города, образование, политические системы в сравнении.
Тема№9. Защита проектов  «The country I would like to visit….» (3)
1.2. Формы деятельности
Теоретические: мини-лекция, мультимедейная  лекция, работа с энциклопедией, поиск информации в интернет ресурсах (Тема №1. Введение. «Different countries – different cultures»; Тема№2. Происхождение английского языка, Тема №3. Общие сведения о Великобритании и Англии, Тема №5.Общие сведения о США, Тема №7. Республика Татарстан. Образование в РТ)
Практические: выступления на конференциях, участие в дискуссиях, беседах, подготовка проекта (Тема №4.Образование в Англии, Тема №6.Образование в США, Тема№8. Защита проектов  «The country I would like to visit….»)
Экскурсионные: виртуальная экскурсия в зарубежные страны; пресс-конференция с человеком, побывавшим за рубежом  (, Тема №3. Общие сведения о Великобритании и Англии, Тема №4.Образование в Англии, Тема №5.Общие сведения о США, Тема №6.Образование в США, Тема№8. Защита проектов  «The country I would like to visit….»)
1.3. Виды деятельности и формы проведения занятий:
- практикум, анкетирование, тестирование, беседы и дискуссии; контроль и проверка знаний, круглый стол, работа над проектами.
1.4. Точки контроля, виды контроля
- анкетирование, фронтальный опрос, тестирование, написание текстов-повествований по теме, защита проектов.
2. Методическая часть
2.1. Методические рекомендации
Диалогическая речь
Дальнейшее совершенствование диалогической речи при более вариативном содержании и более разнообразном языковом оформлении: умение вести диалоги этикетного характера, диалог-расспрос, диалог — побуждение к действию, диалог—обмен мнениями и комбинированные диалоги. Объём диалога 4—5 реплик (9 классы) со стороны каждого обучающегося. Продолжительность диалога—2,5—3 мин (9 класс).
Монологическая речь
Дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование связных высказываний с использованием основных коммуникативных типов речи: описание, сообщение, рассказ (включающий эмоционально-оценочные суждения), рассуждение (характеристика) с высказыванием своего мнения и краткой аргументацией с опорой и без опоры на прочитанный или услышанный текст либо заданную коммуникативную ситуацию. Объём монологического высказывания —10—12 фраз ( 9 классы). Продолжительность монолога — 1,5—2 мин (9 класс).
Дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование восприятия и понимания на слух аутентичных аудио- и видеотекстов с разной глубиной проникновения в их содержание (с пониманием основного содержания, с выборочным и полным пониманием воспринимаемого на слух текста) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи и функционального типа текста.
Аудирование с полным пониманием содержания осуществляется на несложных текстах, построенных на полностью знакомом обучающимся языковом материале. Время звучания текстов для аудирования — до 1 мин.
Аудирование с пониманием основного содержания текста осуществля-ется на аутентичном материале, содержащем наряду с изученными и некоторое количество незнакомых языковых явлений. Время звучания текстов для аудирования — до 2 мин.
Аудирование с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации предполагает умение выделить значимую информацию в одном или нескольких аутентичных коротких текстах прагматического характера, опуская избыточную информацию. Время звучания текстов для аудирования — до 1,5 мин.
Умение читать и понимать аутентичные тексты с различной глубиной и точностью проникновения в их содержание (в зависимости от вида чтения): с пониманием основного содержания (ознакомительное чтение); с полным пониманием содержания (изучающее чтение); с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации (просмотровое/поисковое чтение).
Независимо от вида чтения возможно использование двуязычного словаря.
Чтение с пониманием основного содержания осуществляется на нес-ложных аутентичных текстах с ориентацией на выделенное в программе предметное содержание, включающих некоторое количество незнакомых слов. Объём текстов для чтения — до 550 слов.
Чтение с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации осуществляется на несложных аутентичных текстах разных жанров и предполагает умение просмотреть текст или несколько коротких текстов и выбрать информацию, которая необходима или представляет интерес для обучающихся. Объём текста для чтения — около 350 слов.
Чтение с полным пониманием осуществляется на несложных аутентичных текстах, построенных в основном на изученном языковом материале, с использованием различных приёмов смысловой переработки текста (языковой догадки, выборочного перевода) и оценки полученной информации. Объём текстов для чтения — до 300 слов.
Письменная речь
Дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование письменной речи, а именно умений:
— заполнять формуляры, бланки (указывать имя, фамилию, пол, гражданство, адрес);
— составлять план, тезисы устного или письменного сообщения, кратко излагать результаты проектной деятельности.
2.2. Результаты изучения учебного предмета
Личностные результаты выпускников основной школы, формируемые при изучении иностранного языка:
• формирование мотивации изучения иностранных языков и стремление к самосовершенствованию в образовательной области «Иностранный язык»;
• осознание возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка;
• стремление к совершенствованию собственной речевой культуры в целом;
• формирование коммуникативной компетенции в межкультурной и межэтнической коммуникации;
• развитие таких качеств, как воля, целеустремленность, креативность, инициативность, эмпатия, трудолюбие, дисциплинированность;
• формирование общекультурной и этнической идентичности как составляющих гражданской идентичности личности;
• стремление к лучшему осознанию культуры своего народа и готовность содействовать ознакомлению с ней представителей других стран; толерантное отношение к проявлениям иной культуры; осознание себя гражданином своей страны и мира;
• готовность отстаивать национальные и общечеловеческие (гуманистические, демократические) ценности, свою граждан-
скую позицию.
Метапредметные результаты изучения иностранного языка в основной школе:
• развитие умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение;
• развитие коммуникативной компетенции, включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими, выполняя разные социальные роли;
• развитие исследовательских учебных действий, включая навыки работы с информацией: поиск и выделение нужной информации, обобщение и фиксация информации;
• развитие смыслового чтения, включая умение определять тему, прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку/по ключевым словам, выделять основную мысль, главные факты, опуская второстепенные, устанавливать логическую последовательность основных фактов;
• осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке
2.3. Формирование универсальных учебных действий
Личностные универсальные учебные действия
В рамках когнитивного компонента будут сформированы:
• историко-географический образ; знание истории и географии края, его достижений и культурных традиций;
• знание о своей этнической принадлежности, освоение национальных ценностей, традиций, культуры, знание о народах и этнических группах России;
• ориентация в системе моральных норм и ценностей и их иерархизация, понимание конвенционального характера морали;
• основы социально-критического мышления, ориентация в особенностях социальных отношений и взаимодействий, установление взаимосвязи между общественными и политическими событиями;
В рамках ценностного и эмоционального компонентов будут сформированы:
• гражданский патриотизм, любовь к Родине, чувство гордости за свою страну;
• уважение к истории, культурным и историческим памятникам;
• эмоционально положительное принятие своей этнической идентичнос-ти;
• уважение к другим народам России и мира и принятие их, межэтническая толерантность, готовность к равноправному сотрудничеству;
• уважение к личности и её достоинствам, доброжелательное отношение к окружающим, нетерпимость к любым видам насилия и готовность противостоять им;
• уважение к ценностям семьи, любовь к природе, признание ценности здоровья, своего и других людей, оптимизм в восприятии мира;
В рамках деятельностного (поведенческого) компонента будут сформированы:
• готовность и способность к выполнению норм и требований школьной жизни, прав и обязанностей ученика;
• умение вести диалог на основе равноправных отношений и взаимного уважения и принятия; умение конструктивно разрешать конфликты;
• готовность и способность к выполнению моральных норм в отношении взрослых и сверстников в школе, дома, во внеучебных видах деятельности;
• умение строить жизненные планы с учётом конкретных социально-исторических, политических и экономических условий;
• устойчивый познавательный интерес и становление смы- слообразу-ющей функции познавательного мотива;
• готовность к выбору профильного образования.
Регулятивные универсальные учебные действия
ученик научится:
• целеполаганию, включая постановку новых целей, преобразование практической задачи в познавательную;
• самостоятельно анализировать условия достижения цели на основе учёта выделенных учителем ориентиров действия в новом учебном материале;
• планировать пути достижения целей;
• устанавливать целевые приоритеты;
• уметь самостоятельно контролировать своё время и управлять им;
• принимать решения в проблемной ситуации на основе переговоров;
• осуществлять констатирующий и предвосхищающий контроль по результату и по способу действия; актуальный контроль на уровне произвольного внимания;
• адекватно самостоятельно оценивать правильность выполнения действия и вносить необходимые коррективы в исполнение как в конце действия, так и по ходу его реализации;
• основам прогнозирования как предвидения будущих событий и развития процесса.
Коммуникативные универсальные учебные действия
ученик научится:
• учитывать разные мнения и стремиться к координации различных позиций в сотрудничестве;
• формулировать собственное мнение и позицию, аргументировать и координировать её с позициями партнёров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности;
• устанавливать и сравнивать разные точки зрения, прежде чем принимать решения и делать выбор;
• аргументировать свою точку зрения, спорить и отстаивать свою позицию не враждебным для оппонентов образом;
• задавать вопросы, необходимые для организации собственной деятельности и сотрудничества с партнёром;
• осуществлять взаимный контроль и оказывать в сотрудничестве необходимую взаимопомощь;
• адекватно использовать речь для планирования и регуляции своей деятельности;
• адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач; владеть устной и письменной речью; строить монологическое контекстное высказывание;
• работать в группе — устанавливать рабочие отношения, эффективно сотрудничать и способствовать продуктивной кооперации; интегрироваться в группу сверстников и строить продуктивное взаимодействие со сверстниками и взрослыми;
Познавательные универсальные учебные действия
ученик научится:
• основам реализации проектно-исследовательской деятельности;
• осуществлять расширенный поиск информации с использованием ресурсов библиотек и Интернета;
• осуществлять выбор наиболее эффективных способов решения задач в зависимости от конкретных условий;
• устанавливать причинно-следственные связи;
• обобщать понятия — осуществлять логическую операцию перехода от видовых признаков к родовому понятию, от понятия с меньшим объёмом к понятию с большим объёмом;
• осуществлять сравнение, сериацию и классификацию, самостоятельно выбирая основания и критерии для указанных логических операций;
• объяснять явления, процессы, связи и отношения, выявляемые в ходе исследования;
• основам ознакомительного, изучающего, усваивающего и поискового чтения;
• структурировать тексты, включая умение выделять главное и второстепенное, главную идею текста, выстраивать последовательность описываемых событий;
2.4. Развитие компетенции
Программа предполагает развитие
- иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в совокупности ее составляющих – речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной:
- речевой компетенции – развитие коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме);
- языковой компетенции – овладение новыми языковыми средствами (фонетическими, орфографическими, лексическими, грамматическими) в соответствии c темами, сферами и ситуациями общения, отобранными для курса; освоение знаний о языковых явлениях изучаемого языка, разных способах выражения мысли в родном и изучаемом языке;
- социокультурной компетенции – приобщение учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран/страны изучаемого иностранного языка в рамках тем, сфер и ситуаций общения, отвечающих опыту, интересам, психологическим особенностям учащихся основной школы (9 класс); формирование умения представлять свою страну, ее культуру в условиях иноязычного межкультурного общения;
- компенсаторной компетенции – развитие умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче информации;
-  учебно-познавательная компетенции – дальнейшее развитие общих и специальных учебных умений; ознакомление с доступными учащимся способами и приемами самостоятельного изучения языков и культур, в том числе с использованием новых информационных технологий;
2.5. Перечень тем и разделов на изучение, формы и методы работы
Тема №1. Введение. «Different countries – different cultures» (1)
Значение изучения английского языка в современном мире, информация об обычаях и традициях страны изучаемого языка, англичанах и их характере в сравнении с татарской культурой.
- Find someone who….
- Travel
- мультимедейная  лекция “The more we learn – the more we know”
повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple
Методические рекомендации
- Find someone who….(Decide on a list of things to find, (Example: someone who has been to…, has done something…) Distribute the lists or write it on the board. Students walk around the class finding someone for each item on the list by asking questions. They record answers.)
- Travel (Work in groups. Students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of  traveling, remember means of traveling and speak about the countries they would like to visit)
- мультимедейная  лекция “The more we learn – the more we know”( work with the presentation. Students watch the presentation, discuss the questions and make conclusions)
повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple ( Students remember the rules of Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, work with the sentences)
Тема№2. Происхождение английского языка (1)
История происхождения английского языка, этапы развития.
- Everybody has secrets
- Four walls
- group work (Could you tell me, please…)
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect
- мини –лекция The history of English language
Методические рекомендации
- Everybody has secrets (Each student has 4 or 5 small pieces of paper, They write a different aspect of their lives on each piece of paper (e.g. "I have a dog named 'Blue'.") Students deposit completed papers in hat and then withdraw same number, Students have to find out who wrote each one asking in a polite fashion, starting with introductions, small talk and thus working around to learning the information they are seeking. Finally call out each students name and hear about them from the one's who chose their secrets. At the lesson they are going to find out some secrets of the history of the English Language.)
- Four walls (Students look for the information which they should find on the walls (short topics about the history of the English language) and write down the information they think important.)
- group work (Could you tell me, please…) (Students work in a small groups (3-4) and ask questions about the information they have learnt)
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect
- мини –лекция The history of English language (Students tell about the history of the English language they have learnt chain by chain).
Тема №3. Общие сведения о Великобритании и Англии (2)
Географическое положение, города, реки, национальные праздники.
- Folded paper
- If I were…
- listening and acting
- виртуальная экскурсия to England.
- Silent interview
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect, условных  предложение I, II типов
- Students as teachers
Методические рекомендации
Lesson 1 - Folded paper (Each student has a sheet of paper. Students are instructed to write the name of a famous person of the UK at the top and fold it towards them so it can be seen. Paper is passed to the next student who is instructed to write something else and then fold it. This continues until a sentence has been completed. S's unfold papers and read. Good for practicing grammatical structures (e.g. conditionals: Queen  / said to Madonna / If 1 get a new car / I will eat a hamburger)
- If I were…( work in pairs. Students tell each about their dreams)
- listening and acting ( students should try to show their emotions to what the teacher says (you are on  a plane…, you see changing of the guard… etc)
- виртуальная экскурсия to England.( work with the presentation. Students learn general information about the UK  and it’s interesting places.)
Lesson 2 - Silent interview (Supply S's with list of questions to ask each other. Student A asks В questions but B doesn't talk. Instead A writes down predicted answer. Then A introduces В to class using "info" from the questions and В corrects all the wrong predictions as they come up)
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect, условных  предложение I, II типов (test work(in written form). Students open the brackets and find out the correct answer)
- Students as teachers (group work. Each group chooses one or two of the most interesting places in  the UK and tells about it to the other groups. They can choose the way of the presentation.)
Тема №4. Образование в Англии (2)
Школы, колледжи, университеты.
- picture description
- something about myself
- work with the Internet resources
- Guess whose-secret
- pair work (state and public schools)
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect
- work with the Internet resources
Методические рекомендации
Lesson 1 - picture description (Distribute a picture or photo to each-student, face down. In pairs, each student describes their picture to their partner for a preset length of time. Teacher collects all the pictures, places them in middle of room and students choose what was described to them. (Pictures should be connected with the school life, colleges and universities.)
- something about myself (Each student says something interesting about himself connected with school and his classmates and other students ask questions, Try it with two things,' one true and one false / and the others ask questions to try/to determine which is the lie
- work with the Internet resources (group work. Students work with computer and Internet to find out something interesting about the education in England and trying to answer to the following questions
- When do the students in England go to school?
- What kind of schools are there in England?
- What do students wear at schools?
- How do the students spend there spare time?
- What can you tell about the curriculum?
- Where can students get higher education?
- What should students do to enter the Institute or University?
- Find out the most famous schools, colleges and Universities in England  etc.                       
Lesson 2 - Guess whose-secret (Each student writes a secret about themselves on a small piece of paper. Collect papers in a hat. Each student draws one, reads it aloud and is given three chances to guess whose secret it is.)
- pair work (state and public schools)(Students work in pairs, but not with the ones they worked  on the first lesson, they change their partners and share the information the found out. They prepare a short report about the state and public schools and share the information with their classmates during the conference)
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect
Тема №5.Общие сведения о США (2)
Географическое положение, города, национальные праздники.
- picture description
- listening for mistakes
- mingling
- reading for specific information
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect, Passive Voice of  Simple Tenses
- пресс-конференция с человеком, побывавшим in the USA
- поиск информации в интернет ресурсах
Методические рекомендации
Lesson 1 - picture description (Distribute a picture or photo to each-student, face down. In pairs, each student describes their picture to their partner for a preset length of time. Teacher collects all the pictures, places them in middle of room and students choose what was described to them. (All the pictures are connected with the USA (famous people, sights etc))
- listening for mistakes (Students listen to the dialogue and try to find the mistakes and correct them)
- пресс-конференция с человеком, побывавшим in the USA (Students listen to a guest (you can invite anyone who has been to the USA and who is ready to share  his experience and do it in an interesting manner for the students) and ask him question)
Lesson 2 – mingling (Students mingle around the classroom trying to find out the necessary information (Do you know what is the capital of the USA? Do you know the first president of the USA? etc)
- reading for specific information (Students read the topic about the USA and try to find out the necessary information)
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect, Passive Voice of  Simple Tenses (Students remember the rules of using Passive voice. Work with the cards.)
Тема №6.Образование в США (2)
Школы, колледжи, университеты.
- Fruit salad
- Why? Because….
- reading for details
- Interrupting the story
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect
- виртуальная экскурсия to the USA Universities and schools
Методические рекомендации
Lesson 1 - Fruit salad (Each student is assigned (or chooses) 3-4 different kinds of things connected with the school (pen, pencil, uniform etc.), Students sit in chairs but take one chair away so someone has to stand, The standing student calls out the name of a thing and all those with that thing must get up and change seats. Standing student competes with them for a seat. Person left standing continues the game)
- Why? Because….(In pairs, one student says a simple statement. The other asks, "why?" to each statement, That person must always come up with a short yet coherent and logical response. Work on the topic of education.)
- reading for details Students read a text about the education in the USA, make up the questions on the text and ask each other. They are also given cards to  fill in the missed words or numbers during the reading and then check it up together.)
Lesson 2 -Interrupting the story (Assign a topic (education) and one student starts to speak. Others try to take over telling it by interrupting, You could stipulate that only interruptions using appropriate language will be accepted by the speaker, (e,g, Excuse me for interrupting..,))
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect
- виртуальная экскурсия to the USA Universities and schools (work with the presentation. Students learn more information about the educational system in the USA, see the most  famous colleges and Universities in the USA. Pair work. Students choose one of colleges and Universities and search the information about it in the Internet, then tell about it to the other students.)
Тема №7. Республика Татарстан. Образование в РТ. (1)
Географическое положение, города, реки, национальные праздники, колледжи, специальные школы, институты.
- Folded paper
- Silent interview
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect, множественное число существительных
- виртуальная экскурсия to The Republic of Tatarstan.
- выступления на конференции (representatives of each group tell about the information they have fond themselves)
Методические рекомендации
- Folded paper (Each student has a sheet of paper. Students are instructed to write the name of a famous person of the RT at the top and fold it towards them so it can be seen. Paper is passed to the next student who is instructed to write something else and then fold it. This continues until a sentence has been completed. S's unfold papers and read. Good for practicing grammatical structures (e.g. conditionals: Rustam Minnekhanov / said to Alina Safiullina / If 1 get a new car / I will eat a hamburger)
- Silent interview (Supply S's with list of questions to ask each other about the Republic of tatarstan. Student A asks В questions but B doesn't talk. Instead A writes down predicted answer. Then A introduces В to class using "info" from the questions and В corrects all the wrong predictions as they come up)
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect, множественное число существительных (Students remember the rules and  work with the cards.)
- виртуальная экскурсия to The Republic of Tatarstan (work with  the presentation. Students  watch the presentation about Tatarstan and ask each other the questions about the things they haven’t seen on the screen (group work))
- выступления на конференции (representatives of each group tell about the information they have fond themselves)
Тема№8. США, Великобритания и РТ в сравнении (3)
Географические положения, города, образование, политические системы в сравнении.
- Find someone who….
- listening for mistakes
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect, пассивный залог
- участие в дискуссии If you can compare…
- работа с энциклопедией
Методические рекомендации
Teacher chooses the activity to use in the exact lesson himself.
- Find someone who….….(Decide on a list of things to find, (Example: someone who has been to…, has done something…) Distribute the lists or write it on the board. Students walk around the class finding someone for each item on the list by asking questions. They record answers.)
- listening for mistakes (Students listen to the dialogue and try to find the mistakes and correct them)
- повторение и закрепление употребления Pr. Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Pr Perfect, пассивный залог
- участие в дискуссии If you can compare…
- работа с энциклопедией (students work with the encyclopedia to look for the necessary information)
Тема№9. Защита проектов  «The country I would like to visit….» (3)
- подготовка и защита проектов.
- создание “Tips for the traveller “, “Magazine about …” “Film about the country…”
Методические рекомендации
-подготовка и защита проектов. (Individual work. Students work with the all information the learnt during the course and work with the Internet resources and create their own project about the country they would like to visit. It is for the students to decide how to present their works.)
- создание “Tips for the traveller “, “Magazine about …” “Film about the country…” (Students choose one of the variants and then represent it to other students, teachers)
2.6. Формы контроля
Контроль и оценка должны показывать, в какой степени учащиеся достигли поставленных целей и задач обучения. Цель оценки заключается:
- в формировании у школьника уважительного отношения к себе;
- в поддержании уверенности его в своих силах, способностях и возможностях;
- в создании у учеников и учителя мотивации для достижения целей обучения;
Контроль за уровнем усвоения материала носит систематический характер и проводится в конце каждой изученной темы. Он проводится при помощи письменных тестов и устного опроса, носящего фронтальный, групповой и индивидуальный характер. Тестовая форма контроля с заданиями множественного выбора позволяет за короткий промежуток времени проверить усвоение значительного объема фактического материала, а также служит своеобразной подготовкой к устным ответам.
- Ответы на вопросы по изученной теме – каждое занятие;
- Тестирование по изученному материалу – в конце каждой общей темы  (History of the English language, General information about the countries, Education) ;
- Творческая работа по одной из пройденных тем – в конце курса.
2.6.1. Критерии оценивания
Тестовые задания оцениваются по следующей процентной шкале:
100% - 92% - на «5»
91% - 76% - на «4»
75% - 60% - на «3»
59% - меньше – на «2» 
2.6.2. Итоговый контроль
Итоговый контроль проводится в форме творческой (проектной) работы. При оценке работы учащихся по проектам необходимо учитывать их опыт в выполнении этого вида творческой работы. Результаты проекта могут быть представлены в форме реферата, докладов, журнала, фильма. При оценке качества работы по проекту оцениваются как представленные в письменном виде работы (результаты работы по проекту), так и устная презентация проекта в классе.
2.7. Список рекомендуемой литературы
2.7.1. Литература, рекомендованная для педагога
1.Бонк А. «Учебник английского языка». Часть 2 -  Москва, Деконт- ГИС, 2007г.
2.Мюллер В. «Англо-русский словарь» -  М, "LOCKID", 2002г
3.Кошманова  И. «Тесты по английскому языку» -Москва, Айрис-пресс, 2003г.
4.Романова Л. «Практическая грамматика» - Москва, Айрис-пресс, 2009г.
5.Занина Е. «95 устных тем» - Москва, Айрис-пресс, 2011г.
6.Сигал Т.К. «Тесты по английскому языку» - Москва, Дрофа, 2009г.
7.Резник И. «История английского языка. A history of the english language» - Москва, Флинт, 2003г.
8.Голицынский Ю. «Great Britain. Великобритания. Пособие по старноведению на английском языке» - Москва, КАРО, 2010г.
9.Павлоцкий В. «American Studies» - Москва, Оракул, 2009г.
10.Голицынский Ю. «Грамматика английского языка» - Москва, КАРО, 2010г.
11.Муллиган П. «Glimpses of the US» - Казань, Идель Пресс, 2003г.
12.TKT – Cambridge university, 2012
13. Woorlad G. “Grammar with laughter” – language teaching publications, 1999
14.поисковая система  google
15. wikipidia  интернет энциклопедия
16. http://quizlet.com/9939634/test-one-history-of-english-language-flash-cards/
17. http://cla.calpoly.edu/~jrubba/395/objectives.html
2.7.2. Литература, рекомендованная для учащихся
1. Мюллер В. «Англо-русский словарь» -  М, "LOCKID", 2002г
2. Кошманова  И. «Тесты по английскому языку» -Москва, Айрис-пресс, 2003г.
3.Романова Л.«Практическая грамматика» - Москва, Айрис-пресс, 2009г.
4. Занина Е. «95 устных тем» - Москва, Айрис-пресс, 2011г.
5.Т.К.Сигал «Тесты по английскому языку» - Москва, Дрофа, 20099г.
6. Резник И. «История английского языка. A history of the english language» - Москва, Флинт, 2003г.
7. Голицынский Ю.«Great Britain. Великобритания. Пособие по старноведению на английском языке» - Москва, КАРО, 2010г.
8. Павлоцкий В. «American Studies» - Москва, Оракул, 2009г.
9. Ю.Голицынский «Грамматика английского языка» - Москва, КАРО, 2010г.
10.П.Муллиган «Glimpses of the US» - Казань, Идель Пресс, 2003г.
11.Nettle M., Hopkins D. “Developing grammar in context” – grammar reference and practice – Cambridge University press, 2010
12. Idiom Drills
11. поисковая система  google
12. wikipidia интернет энциклопедия
1. Учебно-тематическое планирование

Тема урока

Сопутствующий грамматический материал

Форма проведения урока

Деятельность учащихся


-во часов


Введение. «Different countries – different cultures»

Повторение и закрепление  употребления Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple


Мультимедейная лекция

Учебная дискуссия



Происхождение английского языка

Повторение и закрепление  употребления Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect, условные

Мини лекция The history of English language

Работа  в группах

Could you tell me,  please




Общие сведения о Великобритании и Англии

Повторение и закрепление  употребления Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, предложения I, II типов

Виртуальная экскурсия

Участие в игре «Виртуальная экскурсия to England»




Образование в Англии

Повторение и закрепление  употребления Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple,Present Perfect


Работа в группах

(state and public schools)

поиск информации в интернет ресурсах




Общие сведения о США

Повторение и закрепление  употребления Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple,Present Perfect, Passive  voice of simple tenses

Пресс-конференция  с человеком, побывавшим in the USA

Учебная дискуссия

Do you know?




Образование в США

Повторение и закрепление  употребления Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple,Present Perfect

Виртуальная экскурсия to the USA Universities and colleges. schools

Участие в беседе

Why? because



Республика Татарстан. Образование в РТ.

Повторение и закрепление  употребления Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple,Present Perfect, множественное число существительных

Виртуальная экскурсия to the Republic of Tatatrstan

Выступления на конференции





США, Англия и РТ в сравнении

закрепление  употребления Pr.Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple,Present Perfect, Пассивный залог времен Simple.


Учебная дискуссия If you can compare…

Работа с энциклопедией






Защита проектов «Страна, в которой мне бы хотелось побывать»


Круглый стол, виртуальная экскурсия

Защита проектов

Tips for the traveler, Magazine about,

Film about the country








2. Дидактические материалы 
2.1.1. Placement test

V 1


1. Now she ... difficulty in putting fact in order.

a. is having b. has been having c. had

2. Like it or not, TV ... the supreme holiday attraction over it upstaged the cinema by showing old films.

a. has been b. is c. was

3. You are a good football-player. Since when ... you ... football?

a. have been playing b. did play c. had been playing

4. My brother ... music lessons for three years now.

a. have taken b. has been taking c. took

5. Perhaps in the future men ... on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land.

a. will live b. would live c. are living

6. There ... ten pens and a magazine on the table.

a. is b. are c. am d. was

7 There ... many cars in front of the house.

a. is b. are c. am d. was

8. Who ... speaking?

a. is b. are c. am d. was

9. What ... you doing?

a. is b. are c. am d. was

10 I ... very sorry.

a. is b. are c. am d. was

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I should certainly have told her all about it.  2. If you (to do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better.  3. If he is not very busy, he (to agree) to go to the museum with us.  4. If I (not to be) present at the lesson, I should not have understood this difficult rule.  5. If you had not wasted so much time, you (not to miss) the train.

Раскройтескобкив  Past simple or Past Perfect

1.When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner. 

2. When father (to return) from work, we already (to do) our homework

 3. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils already (to open) their books.

V 2


1. When ... you buy the new TV set?

a. did b. were c. are

2. We ... never been to London.

a. had b. were c. have

3. The letter ... sent tomorrow.

a. will be b. has c. will

4. I ... Dick today.

a. haven’t seen b. hadn’t seen c. didn’t see

5. – Were you tired after the skiing trip yesterday? –Yes, I ... .

a. were b. did c. was

6. When we came into the hall they ... this problem.

a. were discussing b. discussed c. have discussed

7. We ... from the Institute in five years.

a. have graduated b. graduated c. shall graduate

8. Don’t go out. It ... hard.

a. is raining b. was raining c. rains

9. The report ... ready by 6 o’clock yesterday.

a. was b. has been c. had been

10. She usually ... to bed very early.

a. goes b. has gone c. going



Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If he reads fifty page every day, his vocabulary (to increase) greatly 2. If they (to know) it before, they would have taken measures. 3. If I (to get) this book, I shall be happy. 4. If you really loved music, you (to go) to the Philharmonic much more often. 5. If you had not wasted so much time, you (not to miss) the train.


Раскройтескобкив  Past simple or Past Perfect

4. Kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before.

5. Nick (to show) the teacher the picture which he (to draw).

6. The boy (to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the field.

2.1.2..Achevement test



1. I ... to the engineer before I read the article about him in the newspaper.

a. had spoken b. have spoken c. spoke

2. Did she ... her plan last month?

a. fulfils b. fulfill c. fulfilled

3. Does your son ... to watch TV?

a. likes b. liked c. like

4. We shall be glad if we ... to take our exams in advance.

a. are allowed b. shall be allowed c. shall have

5. My father ... home at 5 o’clock yesterday.

a. was coming b. has come c. came

6. All historical places of London ... in the West End.

a. had been b. were c. are

7. What ... American public schools teach?

a. are b. do c. does

8. I know you ... an advances geography course now.

a. were taking b. is taking c. are taking

9. When ... the 365th anniversary of Rembrandt’s birth celebrated?

a. does b. was c. did

10. ... any exhibitions devoted to this anniversary organized in Russia?

a. were b. was c. did

11. The US consists of ... states.

a) 38, b) 49, c) 50, d) 51.

12. The English colonization of the American continent began in the ...,.

a) 15th century, b) 16th century, c) 17th century, d) 18th century.

 13. What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?

a) the Lower West Gate, b) Stonehenge, c) Hadrian's Wall, d) the Tower Gate.

14. What is M. Thatcher by profession?

a) an engineer, b) a doctor, c) a chemist, d) a teacher.

15. What's the name of the most famous clock in Britain?

a) Big Albert, b) Big Stephen, c) Big Wren, d) Big Ben.

16. Where is Glasgow situated?

a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland.

17. What is the nickname of the Liberal Party?

a) the Tories, b) the Whips, c) the Libs, d) the Whigs.

18. The Statue of Liberty ... by Gustave Eiffel.

a) design                            c) was designed

b) designed                        d) have been designed

19.  The  picture, which ... lately, is worth thousands of pounds.

a) damage                          c) has been damaged

b) damaged                        d) was damaged

20.I don't like the cafes that don't have chairs and people ... eat standing up.

a) can                                 c) may

b) could                              d) have to



1. What magazine ... you looking through when I came in?

a. did b. were c. have

2. We knew you ... pass the exams successfully.

a. have b. will c. would

3. She said she ... graduated from the Institute a few years ago.

a. had b. has c. was

4. This problem ... discussed at our next meeting.

a. was b. will c. will be

5. – ... it still raining? – No, the rain has already stopped.

a. is b. will c. does

6. - Hello, Pete, I ... you for ages.

a. didn’t see b. haven’t seen

7. I was on holiday and ... last night.

a. came back b. come back

8. - ... your holiday this year yet, Mary?

a. Did you have b. Have you had

9. - Not yet. I think of going to the Crimea at the end of July. Although I ... there twice.

a. were b. have been

10. Не ... a letter for an hour when I came.

a. was writing b. had been writing c. had writing d. wrote

11. Boston is in....

a) Florida, b) Mexico, c) Texas, d) Massachusetts.

12. A lunch is ... .

a) breakfast, b

13. Who is the head of the government in the UK?

a) Prime Minister, b) Queen, c) Speaker, d) Chancellor.

14. What is English marmalade?

a) apple jam, b) orange jam, c) sweets, d) a cake.

15. What's tartan?

a) a dish, b) a pattern of the kilt, c) a bird, d) a dance.

16. What's the name of the London underground?

a) Metro, b) Tube, c) Subway, d) Underground,

17. What is the nickname of the Liberal Party?

a) the Tories, b) the Whips, c) the Libs, d) the Whigs.

18.  Actually it's a very friendly dog. If you ... it, it won't bite you.

a) won't touch                   c) didn't touch

b) haven't touched            d) don't touch

19.  Actually it's a very friendly dog. If you ... it, it won't bite you.

a) won't touch                   c) didn't touch

b) haven't touched            d) don't touch

20.I don't like the cafes that don't have chairs and people ... eat standing up.

a) can                                 c) may

b) could                              d) have to


2.1.3.Progress tests
1. Tenses in the Active and Passive Voice. The Sequence of Tenses:
1.  I never (read) a story that (interest) me so much as the one I (read) last night.
2.  When we (go) to see them last night, they (play) chess, they (say) they (play) since six o'clock.
3. You (go) with us to the Zoo tomorrow if you (be) a good boy.
4. No sooner we (finish) the translation of the text than the bell (ring).
5. Why you (not, make, do) an effort to improve your life? I wish you (make) an effort to change everything.
6.  If I (be) you, I (think) twice before accepting his invitation.
7. 1 wish you (discuss) this (serious, seriously) tomorrow. It isn't funny.
8. All the doors and windows (lock) before we went on holiday, but the house (break into) when we (return) home.
9. Our house (surround) by a beautiful garden. The garden (plant) by my grandfather many years ago.
10.  The Cambridge Folk Festival very well (organize), and there are never (any,   some) of the serious problems which can (cause) by large crowds.
11. The oldest college in Cambridge University is Peterhou-se, which (found) in 1284, and the most recent is Robinson College which (open) in 1977.
12.  I'd like to know who Australia (discover) by? - Ask the teacher about it, ...?
13.  Dan said that he (call) you (tomorrow). - If he (call) me in the evening, I (be) very busy. I wish he (call) me in the morning.
14.  We thought that the parcel (deliver) in time, but the postman (not, come) yet.
15. The furniture (rearrange) today, and the flat (look) very cozy now.
Test 2
1. The Statue of Liberty ... by Gustave Eiffel.
a) design                            c) was designed
b) designed                        d) have been designed
2.  Where are your brothers? - They ... a swimming-pool in our garden.
a) are digging                    c) were digging
b) dig                                  d) have been digging
3. How do your parents like their new house? - My mother likes it, but my father ... our old one.
a) miss                               c) missed
b) misses                            d) doesn't miss
4.1 didn't believe that you ... short of money.
a) are                                  c) were
b) is                                    d) have been
5.  Actually it's a very friendly dog. If you ... it, it won't bite you.
a) won't touch                   c) didn't touch
b) haven't touched            d) don't touch
6.  The town of Kestwick, which ... at the heart of the Lake District, is the perfect place for a holiday.
a) laid                                 c) is lying
b) lies                                 d) lay
7. We ... forward to a concert in our town. It is next Sunday.
a) looks                              c)are looking
b) looked                            d) were looking
8.  The  picture, which ... lately, is worth thousands of pounds.
a) damage                          c) has been damaged
b) damaged                        d) was damaged
9. The scientist who ... a new planet has won the Nobel Prize.
a) had discovered              c) has been discovered
b) discovered                     d) was discovering
10.  ... we have something to eat? - Yes, but not here.
a) will                                 c) do
b) would                             d) shall
11.  My mother always moves my books around so I ... find them.
a) can't                              c) wasn't able
b) couldn't                         d) may not
12.I don't like the cafes that don't have chairs and people ... eat standing up.
a) can                                 c) may
b) could                              d) have to
13. There is a big hotel in the middle of ... park.
a) a                                     c) -
b) the                                  d) these
14.  ... towns which attract tourists are usually crowded in summer.
a) -                                     с) а
b) the                                  d) this
15. Be sure to pick ... tomatoes before they get too ripe.
a) this                                c) much
b)that                                d)these
16.  I suppose people are spending now ... money than they used to.
a) much                              c) fewer
b) many                              d) more
17.  Was it exciting buying a car? - Well, it was a bit of a problem because I didn't have ... money to spend.
a) many                              c) most
b) much                              d) few
18. Once I hated flying, but now I feel ... nervous about it.
a) most                               c) less
b) least                               d) little
19. The trouble ... my father is that he never relaxes.
a) of                                   c) about
b) with                               d) out
20. What did you buy this computer magazine ...? - To read about business software.
a) at                                    c) on
b) in                                    d) for
Test 3  Выберите правильный ответ.
A) 1. What's the name of the most famous clock in Britain?
a) Big Albert, b) Big Stephen, c) Big Wren, d) Big Ben.
2. What's tartan?
a) a dish, b) a pattern of the kilt, c) a bird, d) a dance.
3. Where is Glasgow situated?
a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland.
4. What's the name of the London underground?
a) Metro, b) Tube, c) Subway, d) Underground,
5. What is the nickname of the Liberal Party?
a) the Tories, b) the Whips, c) the Libs, d) the Whigs.
B). Выберите правильный ответ.
1. What is the symbol of the Speaker's authority?
a) the mace, b) the woolsack, c) the ribbon, d) the bell.
2. Who presides over the House of Lords?
a) Prime Minister, b) Lord Chancellor, c) Lord        Protector, d)the Speaker.
3. What's the name of the British flag?
a) Star-Spangled Banner, b) Stripes and Stars, c) Union Jack, d) John Bull.
4. What London street is famous for shops? a) Oxford Street, b) Fleet Street, c) Lombard Street, d) Charing Cross Road.
5. What was J. Constable?
a) a musician, b) a politician, c) a poet, d) a painter
Test 4 . Выберите правильный ответ.
A) 1. What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?
a) the Lower West Gate, b) Stonehenge, c) Hadrian's Wall, d) the Tower Gate.
2. What is M. Thatcher by profession?
a) an engineer, b) a doctor, c) a chemist, d) a teacher.
3. Who is the head of the government in the UK?
a) Prime Minister, b) Queen, c) Speaker, d) Chancellor.
4. Where is the Bank of England situated?
a) in the West End, b) in the East End, c) in the City, d) in the South.
5. What is English marmalade?
a) apple jam, b) orange jam, c) sweets, d) a cake.
B) Выберите правильный ответ.
1. The Irish Sea is ... .
a) to the west of England, b) to the east of England, c) to the north of England, d) to the south of England.
2. The official language of Canada is ... .
а) English, b) French, c) English and French, d) English and Spanish.
3. The capital of the US is ....
a) New York, b) Washington, c) Boston, d) Philadelphia.
4. On the whole the climate of Great Britain is ... .
a) dry, b) frosty, c) mild, d) tropical.
5. Elisabeth II lives in ... .
a) No 10, Downing Street, b) the Tower of London, c) Buckingham Palace, d) Westminster Palace.
Test 5
Выберите правильный ответ
1. The US consists of ... states.
a) 38, b) 49, c) 50, d) 51.
2.High school is ... .
a) a college, b) a university, c) a very good school, d) upper grades of secondary school.
3. The English colonization of the American continent began in the ...,.
a) 15th century, b) 16th century, c) 17th century, d) 18th century.
4. Bill Clinton is the ... President of the US. a) 40th, b) 41st, c) 42nd, d) 43d.
5. "Alice in Wonderland" was written by ... .
a) Jane Austen, b) Muriel Spark, c) Lewis Carroll, d) Iris Murdock.
5. Boston is in....
a) Florida, b) Mexico, c) Texas, d) Massachusetts.
7. Gulf Stream originates in ... .
a) the Gulf of Mexico, b) the Persian Gulf, c) the Gibraltar, d) the Panama Canal.
8. The Tower of London now is ... .
a) a prison, b) a royal residence, c) a museum, d) a burial place.
9. Englishmen eat dinner at....
a) 11 a.m., b) 2 p.m., с) б p.m„ d) 9 p.m.
10. A lunch is ... .
a) breakfast, b) late breakfast, c) dinner, d) a tea party.
Placement test
V1) a 2) a 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) b 7) b 8) a 9) b 10) c
V2 1)a 2)c 3)a 4)a 5)c 6)a 7)c 8)a 9)c 10)a
Achevement test
V1 1)а 2)b 3)с 4)а 5)с 6)с 7)b 8)с 9)b 10)а 11)с 12)c 13)b 14)c 15)d 16)a 17)d 18)c 19)c 20)d
V2 1)b 2)с 3)а 4)с 5)а 6)b 7)a 8)b 9)b 10)b 11)d 12)b 13)a 14)b 15)b 16)b 17)d  18)d 19)b  20)d
Progress tests
Test 1
1) had read, interested, read; 2) went, were playing, said, had been playing; 3) will go, are; 4) had finished, rang; 5) didn't make, would make; 6) were, would think; 7) would discuss, seriously; 8) had been locked, was broken into, had returned; 9) is surrounded, was planted; 10) is organized, any, be caused; 11) was founded, was opened; 12) was discovered, will you? (won't you?); 13) would call, the next day, calls, will be, would call; 14) would be delivered, has not come; 15) has been rearranged, looks
Test 2
1) c; 2) a; 3) b; 4) c; 5) d; 6) b; 7) c; 8) c; 9) b; 10) d; 11) a; 12) d; 13) b; 14) a; 15) d; 16) d; 17) b; 18) c; 19) b; 20) d.
Test 3
A) 1 - d, 2 - b, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - d.
B) 1- a, 2- b, 3- с, 4- a, 5- d.
Test 4
A) 1 — b, 2 — с, 3 — а, 4 — с, 5 — b
B) 1 — a, 2 — с, 3 — b, 4 — с, 5 — с.
Test 5
1 — с, 2— d, 3— с, 4— с, 5— с, 6- d, 7-a, 8- с, 9-c,10-b
2.2. Grammar reference
If present simple (V, Vs), future simple (will+V)
If past simple (Ved, V2), would+ V
If past perfect (had+V3), would have +V3





Perfect progressive


Ved, V2







 was (ед.ч.)


were (мн.ч)

?- was/were

at … o`clock, when he came




Had been +Ving




V, Vs





Am (I)

is (ед.ч.) .+V-ing

are (мн.ч)


now, at the moment

Has\have +V3


Already never, this week, today


Has\have been +Ving


For, since






will be +V-ing


tomorrow at this time

when he comes

Will have +V3


By … o`clock tomorrow


Will have been +Ving

Если главное предложение в Past Simple
Pr Simple (V, Vs) - past Simple  (Ved, V2), present progressive (Am (I)is (ед.ч.) are (мн.ч).+V-ing) – past progressive ( was (ед.ч.)  were (мн.ч)+V-ing)
 past Simple (Ved, V2), present perfect (Has\have +V3) - past perfect
will – would
Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various means of travelling. For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker than any other means. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.
With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.
Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls.
Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many sights in a short time, you can stop when and where you like, you do not have to buy tickets or carry your suitcases.
A very popular means of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are very interesting. Hitch-hiking is a very popular method of travelling among young people. But it is not as popular in our country as abroad. (Native English)
Cultures and national stereotypes
A nation is a group of people who share common history and usually a language and usually, but not always, live in the same area. Culture can be described as our everyday life: how we communicate, what makes us happy and said. It also includes our language, religion, traditions, behavior, way of life – in other words, what we do each day. People that belong to various nations may differ and they always differ from one another.
For example, the Germans are regarded as scientifically-minded and industrious, they're always considered solid, intelligent and mathematical. And, for instance, Israeli are believed to be mercenary, industrious, shrewd, loyal to family, religious. There is a big amount of examples we can list about national character of different people. Proving the difference of the national stereotypes I want to compare Russian and English nations. There are a lot of features that vary. The Russians are industrious, tough, brave, progressive and suspicious. They are always considered to be nationalistic, over - patriotic (because of this reason they're good soldiers), we are willing to respect opinion of other people.
Speaking about Englishmen I may note that they're reserved, tradition-loving, courteous, honest, extremely nationalistic and etc. To my mind, they have a specific sense of humor. They say that they can't understand our jokes and anecdotes not only because of the different meanings of the words, but because of their humor is more delicate. Looking at these features of the Russians and the Englishmen it is not hard to mark out the differences. The Englishmen are reserved, but the Russians are open-hearted and communicative. The Englishmen are tradition-loving and the Russians, to my mind, don't keep their traditions in such a degree. There is a great majority of factors that influence the nations stereotype and its people's character. People that live in the southern countries have less problems than those who live in the North and because of this they're more cheerful and artistic. The history also has a great influence on the national character. The peoples in Asia are revengeful because their forefathers often were at war with others. In Africa many countries were colonies of the Great Britain, Holland, Spain and so on and they (Africans) were the slaves and because of this they're still hard-working and industrious. The National Character exists. It is not a myth, it's a reality. But the National Character doesn't describe the character of every person, it describes the character of people of nation in general. Every person has its own character, but according to the person's belonging to some nation many traits of character are similar and these features may be explained as the national character.  (Native English) The English language belongs to the West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. The closest undoubted living relatives of English are Scots and Frisian. Frisian is a language spoken by approximately half a million people in the Dutch province of Friesland, in nearby areas of Germany, and on a few islands in the North Sea.
The brief history of English language
The history of the English language has traditionally been divided into three main periods: Old English (450-1100 AD), Middle English (1100-circa 1500 AD) and Modern English (since 1500). Over the centuries, the English language has been influenced by a number of other languages.
Old English (450 - 1100 AD): During the 5th Century AD three Germanic tribes (Saxons, Angles, and Jutes) came to the British Isles from various parts of northwest Germany as well as Denmark. These tribes were warlike and pushed out most of the original, Celtic-speaking inhabitants from England into Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall. One group migrated to the Brittany Coast of France where their descendants still speak the Celtic Language of Breton today.
Through the years, the Saxons, Angles and Jutes mixed their different Germanic dialects. This group of dialects forms what linguists refer to as Old English or Anglo-Saxon. The word "English" was in Old English "Englisc", and that comes from the name of the Angles. The Angles were named from Engle, their land of origin.
Before the Saxons the language spoken in what is now England was a mixture of Latin and various Celtic languages which were spoken before the Romans came to Britain (54-5BC). The Romans brought Latin to Britain, which was part of the Roman Empire for over 400 years. Many of the words passed on from this era are those coined by Roman merchants and soldiers. These include win (wine), candel (candle), belt (belt), weall (wall). ("Language Timeline", The British Library Board)
The influence of Celtic upon Old English was slight. In fact, very few Celtic words have lived on in the English language. But many of place and river names have Celtic origins: Kent, York, Dover, Cumberland, Thames, Avon, Trent, Severn.
The arrival of St. Augustine in 597 and the introduction of Christianity into Saxon England brought more Latin words into the English language. They were mostly concerned with the naming of Church dignitaries, ceremonies, etc. Some, such as church, bishop, baptism, monk, eucharist and presbyter came indirectly through Latin from the Greek.
Around 878 AD Danes and Norsemen, also called Vikings, invaded the country and English got many Norse words into the language, particularly in the north of England. The Vikings, being Scandinavian, spoke a language (Old Norse) which, in origin at least, was just as Germanic as Old English.
Words derived from Norse include: sky, egg, cake, skin, leg, window (wind eye), husband, fellow, skill, anger, flat, odd, ugly, get, give, take, raise, call, die, they, their, them. ("The Origin and History of the English Language", Kryss Katsiavriades)
Several written works have survived from the Old English period. The most famous is a heroic epic poem called "Beowulf". It is the oldest known English poem and it is notable for its length - 3,183 lines. Experts say "Beowulf" was written in Britain more than one thousand years ago. The name of the person who wrote it is unknown.
Middle English (1100-circa 1500 AD): After William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England in 1066 AD with his armies and became king, he brought his nobles, who spoke French, to be the new government. The Old French took over as the language of the court, administration, and culture. Latin was mostly used for written language, especially that of the Church. Meanwhile, The English language, as the language of the now lower class, was considered a vulgar tongue.
By about 1200, England and France had split. English changed a lot, because it was mostly being spoken instead of written for about 300 years. The use of Old English came back, but with many French words added. This language is called Middle English. Most of the words embedded in the English vocabulary are words of power, such as crown, castle, court, parliament, army, mansion, gown, beauty, banquet, art, poet, romance, duke, servant, peasant, traitor and governor. ("Language Timeline", The British Library Board)
Because the English underclass cooked for the Norman upper class, the words for most domestic animals are English (ox, cow, calf, sheep, swine, deer) while the words for the meats derived from them are French (beef, veal, mutton, pork, bacon, venison). ("The Origin and History of the English Language", Kryss Katsiavriades)
The Middle English is also characterized for the beginning of the Great Vowel Shift. It was a massive sound change affecting the long vowels of English. Basically, the long vowels shifted upwards; that is, a vowel that used to be pronounced in one place in the mouth would be pronounced in a different place, higher up in the mouth. The Great Vowel Shift occurred during the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries.
The most famous example of Middle English is Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales", a collection of stories about a group of thirty people who travel as pilgrims to Canterbury, England. The portraits that he paints in his Tales give us an idea of what life was like in fourteenth century England.
Modern English (1500 to the present): Modern English developed after William Caxton established his printing press at Westminster Abbey in 1476. Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press in Germany around 1450, but Caxton set up England's first press. The Bible and some valuable manuscripts were printed. The invention of the printing press made books available to more people. The books became cheaper and more people learned to read. Printing also brought standardization to English.
By the time of Shakespeare's writings (1592-1616), the language had become clearly recognizable as Modern English. There were three big developments in the world at the beginning of Modern English period: the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the British Colonialism.
It was during the English Renaissance that most of the words from Greek and Latin entered English. This period in English cultural history (early 16th century to the early 17th century) is sometimes referred to as "the age of Shakespeare" or "the Elizabethan era", taking the name of the English Renaissance's most famous author and most important monarch, respectively. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I there was an explosion of culture in the form of support of the arts, popularization of the printing press, and massive amounts of sea travel.
England began the Industrial Revolution (18th century) and this had also an effect on the development of the language as new words had to be invented or existing ones modified to cope with the rapid changes in technology. New technical words were added to the vocabulary as inventors designed various products and machinery. These words were named after the inventor or given the name of their choice (trains, engine, pulleys, combustion, electricity, telephone, telegraph, camera etc).
Britain was an Empire for 200 years between the 18th and 20th centuries and English language continued to change as the British Empire moved across the world - to the USA, Australia, New Zealand, India, Asia and Africa. They sent people to settle and live in their conquered places and as settlers interacted with natives, new words were added to the English vocabulary. For example, 'kangaroo' and 'boomerang' are native Australian Aborigine words, 'juggernaut' and 'turban' came from India.
English continues to change and develop, with hundreds of new words arriving every year. But even with all the borrowings from many other languages the heart of the English language remains the Anglo-Saxon of Old English. The grammar of English is also distinctly Germanic - three genders (he, she and it) and a simple set of verb tenses. (Study English today)
Education System in the UK
In this text you will find general information on the education system in the UK. As there are separate education systems in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the actual ages etc. might vary a little.
School in the UK is compulsory between the ages of five and sixteen. Children younger than five can go to a toddler group (accompanied by a parent), playgroup or nursery school.
Compulsory schooling begins at the age of five. Pupils first attend primary school, which lasts for six years. Often primary school in the UK is divided into infant school (the first two years) and junior school (the following 4 years).
After primary school, students go to secondary school until they are sixteen (practical emphasis) or 18 (secondary school with 6th form - academic emphasis).
The school year consists of three terms. Students have about 12-13 weeks of holiday per school year.



< 5

nursery school



primary school



infant school


junior school



secondary school with 6th form



secondary school


6th form college

When students in the UK say what year they are in, they usually use cardinal numbers, e. g. ‘year ten’. (In the USA, students would use ordinal numbers, e. g. ‘tenth grade’.)
At primary school, classes run Monday to Friday from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There are usually between 25 and 35 pupils in one class. They primarily learn how to read, write and count. They also learn something about their country and about religion and they begin to study their first foreign language.
At secondary school, classes also run Monday to Friday, but are usually from about 8.45 to 3.30. Typical mandatory subjects are English, maths, natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry), modern languages (French, German, Spanish), religion, citizenship, physical education, information and communication technology, geography and history. Apart from these, schools also offer optional courses from which their students can choose. At the age of sixteen, students usually sit several exams and decide whether they want to leave school or continue in a 6th form college.
Gifted and talented students can choose to enter for examinations early (one year or several terms) and then take additional courses in these or other subjects.
Grading Scale
In the UK (as in other English speaking countries) letter grades are used in reports.
A > 80% (excellent)
B > 70% (very good)
C > 60% (improvement needed)
D > 50% (close fail)
E > 40% (fail)
F < 40% (fail)
In general, only grades A to C are a 'pass'. Still, in the UK no student has to repeat a year – weak students can take extra lessons at school.
Different Kinds of Schools
Most students in the UK are enrolled in state funded schools. These are financed through taxes, so parents do not have to pay for their children's education. But there are also numerous private schools, also known as independent schools, where education is not free of charge.
Students can choose to attend a co-educational school or a single sex school.
School Uniforms
It is common for students in the UK to wear school uniforms. They consist of:
blazer or sweater with school logo
shirt and tie or polo shirt / t-shirt
dark trousers or dark skirt
black shoes
At some schools, students are required to wear a shirt and a tie, other schools only require a t-shirt or sweater. The colour of the uniform also depends on the school – blazer, sweater, trousers and skirt are usually blue, grey, green or brown. ((URL:http://www.ego4u.com/en/read-on/countries/usa/school)
U.K. Education System
Education is compulsory for all children up to the age of sixteen in the UK. The UK education system consists of two distinct systems of courses and qualifications which are compatible with each other. One system is followed by England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the other is adopted by Scotland.
The UK education system is made up of the following levels:
Pre- school, primary and secondary education
At school level there are two types of schools which are state schools and independent/private schools. Both of these types of schools ultimately prepare students for GCSE or equivalent qualifications. Pre-school is generally for 3-4 year olds; primary is from 5 to 11 and secondary education is up to the age of 16.
Pre-university education
Education at this level is mainly taught at schools, sixth form colleges and further education colleges. The types of courses include AS level, A-level, Scottish Highers, access/bridging/foundation programmes and other equivalents.
Vocational education
Vocational education focuses on courses that are skills-based and work-oriented. Qualifications include BTEC diplomas, vocational A-levels and other equivalents. These courses are mainly run in further and higher education colleges. The unique features of these courses are the wide range of subjects available and the flexible entry based on the student’s academic ability and experience. Depending on the results it is possible for the students to progress to undergraduate degrees.
Qualifications such as Higher National Certificates/Diplomas and Foundation degrees are employment-related higher education qualifications. These qualifications allow students to progress to the 2nd or 3rd year of an undergraduate degree based on their results.
Undergraduate qualifications
Undergraduate degrees are usually taught at universities and colleges of further and higher education. Most of these degrees are 3 years except for Scotland where the degrees are 4 years. Undergraduate degrees that incorporate industrial placement are longer by one year and are generally known as sandwich courses. Courses such as medicine, dentistry and architecture are longer, usually about 5 years.
Postgraduate qualifications
Postgraduate courses are either taught or by research. Taught programmes include the postgraduate certificate, postgraduate diploma and taught masters. Research programmes include research masters and doctorates. The duration of the taught programmes range from 9-12 months and for research programmes the duration is between 1 to 4 years.

Time line (age)

Level of Education

3 or 4 to16

Pre-school, primary and secondary education

17 to 21

Pre-university education

Vocational education

18 or 19 to 21 up to 26 (depending on type of course)

Undergraduate qualifications

After 1st degree and/or with work experience (depending on entry requirements of course)

Postgraduate qualifications

The Education System in the USA
In the USA, children start school when they are five or six years old. Depending on the state, schooling is compulsory until the age of 16 or 18. Children younger than five can go to a nursery school or preschool.
At the age of five or six, the children attend elementary school (also known as grade school or grammar school), which last six years. The fist year at elementary school is called kindergarten.
After elementary school, students attend middle school (also known as junior high school) for three years. Then they continue at high school. In some states, students have to stay in school until they are 18 years old. In other states they may leave school at 16 or 17 with parental permission.



< 5

nursery school / preschool


elementary school


middle school / junior high school


high school / senior high school

When students in the USA say what year they are in, they usually use ordinal numbers, e. g. ‘tenth grade’. (In the UK students would use cardinal numbers, e. g. ‘year ten’.)
At elementary school pupils primarily learn how to read, write and count. There are about 20 to 30 pupils in one class.
At junior and senior high school, mandatory subjects are English, maths, biology, chemistry, physics, physical education and history. Schools also offer optional courses from which the students can choose, e. g. art, modern languages, computers. Physical education is a very important subject in the United States – many students participate in sports programs.
Gifted and talented students can take advanced courses in their schools or attend additional courses at community colleges in the afternoons or during the holidays. Often such courses are later acknowledged by universities, and can facilitate early graduation.
Grading Scale
In the USA (as in other English speaking countries) letter grades are used in reports.
A > 90 % (excellent)
B > 80 % (very good)
C > 70 % (improvement needed)
D > 60 % (close fail)
E > 50 % (fail)
F < 50 % (fail)
In general, only grades A to C are a 'pass' – a plus (+) or minus (-) might be added (e. g. A-, B+).
Different Kinds of Schools
Most students in the USA are enrolled in public schools. These are financed through taxes, so parents do not have to pay for their children's education. About 10 % of US students attend private schools, where parents have to pay a yearly fee.
Another option is homeschooling: approximately 1-2 % of parents in the USA educate their children at home. Some reasons for homeschooling are religious views, special needs (e. g. handicapped children), or problems in traditional schools (bullying, drugs etc.). However, there is also opposition to homeschooling claiming that the students have difficulties socializing with others, that homeschooling (often carried out by the parents) is of a poor academic quality and that (especially concerning religion) extremist views might be encouraged.
School Uniforms
It is not common for students in the USA to wear school uniforms, but many schools have dress codes telling students what kind of clothing is or is not allowed in school. Some schools (especially private schools) have started to require their students to wear school uniforms in order to improve school discipline and avoid 'fashion cliques'.  (URL:http://www.ego4u.com/en/read-on/countries/usa/school)
Pre-higher education:
Duration of compulsory education:
Age of entry: 6
Age of exit: 16
Structure of school system:
Type of school providing this education: A) Kindergarten B) Nursery Schools C) Preschool programmes; D) Child/day Care Centres
Length of program in years: 2
Age level from: 3 to: 6
Certificate/diploma awarded: Practice varies. Certificates may be given, especially if needed, to prove attendance for entry into Elementary School.
Type of school providing this education: Elementary School (Grades 1-4 on average, but state and local practice may vary).
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 6 to: 10
Certificate/diploma awarded: Practice varies. Awards may be given in States/Districts when necessary for transition to Middle School.
Type of school providing this education: Elementary Schools (Grades 1-6 or 7)
Age level from: 6 to: 14
Certificate/diploma awarded: Practice varies. Awards may be given in States/Districts when necessary for transition to Secondary School.
Type of school providing this education: Middle Schools (Grades 4-6, 5-7 or 6-8)
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 10 to: 14
Certificate/diploma awarded: Practice varies. Awards may be given in States/Districts where middle school is a recognized level.
Type of school providing this education: High Schools (Grades 7-12 or 8-12)
Length of program in years: 6
Age level from: 13 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: High School Diploma (Regular/Standard, Vocational, Honor/Regents, College/Academic Preparatory)
Junior Secondary
Type of school providing this education: Junior High Schools (Grades 7-8, 7-9 or 8-9)
Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 13 to: 15
Certificate/diploma awarded: Practice varies. Awards may be given in States/Districts where secondary education is divided into lower and upper divisions.
Upper Secondary
Type of school providing this education: High Schools, Senior High Schools (Grades 9-12 or 10-12)
Length of program in years: 4
Age level from: 15 to: 18
Certificate/diploma awarded: High School Diploma (Regular/Standard, Vocational, Honor/Regents, College/Academic Preparatory)
School education:
The age of entry to compulsory education in the U.S. varies, according to the state, between 5 and 7 years of age, 6 being the most common. The age at which compulsory schooling ends varies between 16 and 18 years of age, the most common being 16. School education does not end until age 18, or completion of the 12th year of school and those who leave school at the end of compulsory education without earning a secondary (high school) diploma do not receive any certificate or recognition - they are considered to be secondary school drop-outs. Students may graduate a year earlier or late depending on when they entered school. Gifted students may graduate earlier because they skipped grades, and students may graduate later because they  repeat grades. School years are referred to as "grades" in the United States. The length of primary education varies from four to seven years, i.e. grades 1-4, 1-7, etc. Each state determines what grade range constitutes primary education, called "elementary education". According to its length, elementary education may be followed (or not) by a number of years of middle school education (generally three years).  Secondary education takes place in grades 7-12, depending upon the laws and policies of states and local school districts. There is no national structure, curriculum or governing law; all laws and policies are set and enforced by the 50 state governments and the over 14,000 local school districts. All states and school districts have set the secondary school graduation level as the completion of 12th grade, and the common name for the secondary graduation qualification is the High School Diploma. This diploma name covers a variety of awards for different curricula and standards. There are Honors/Regents, academic/college preparatory, vocational, and general/basic high school diploma tracks. There are a statewide minimum course requirement and other graduation requirements in each State which usually correspond to the general/basic track. Vocational and academic/college preparatory or honors/Regents diplomas usually have additional set curricular requirements and/or standards which aspiring graduates must meet or exceed. In addition, many US secondary school districts and private schools allow students to participate in the Advanced Placement (AP) programme of the College Board. This programme allows qualified students to take college level introductory courses in selected subjects taught by certified faculty. Examinations are offered in each AP subject at the end of an academic year; a score of 3 or higher generally results in universities awarding advanced standing in that subject - exempting the student from distribution requirements.There are currently over 35 AP subjects with more being planned. A growing number of public and private secondary schools also offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) as an optional track; completion of IB requirements usually requires an additional summer or semester of study beyond the 12th year. The contents of an individual student's programme at any grade level or upon obtaining a diploma or an online RN to BSN degree are contained in the record of studies called a Transcript. Transcripts are official documents authenticated with the seal of the school or institution and signed by the registrar.
Higher education:
Higher education in the U.S. is also called postsecondary education, but the latter term also refers to all formal education beyond secondary school, whether higher education (defined as degree-granting education) or not. Postsecondary education is broadly divided into two different sectors: postsecondary vocational education and training, which is non-degree but can produce some transferable credits under certain circumstances; and higher education, which includes studies undertaken in degree-granting institutions for academic credit. However, the U.S. higher education system is not legally organized into separate university and non-university sub-systems as are some other national systems, but is comprehensive. It is a diverse and autonomous community of publicly and privalely supported institutions.  Current data indicate that there are 6,479 postsecondary institutions, including 4,182 non-degree institutions. Of the degree-granting higher education institutions, some 1,732 award only the  associate degree plus sub-bachelor's certificates and diplomas; 702 award only the bachelor's degree; 1,094 award degrees and certificates beyond the bachelor's degree but not the research doctorate; and 654 institutions award the research doctorate. The United States does not use an official classification or typology for its higher education institutions. While different institutions offer varying levels of degrees, U.S. accreditation policies result in degrees at any given level adhering to certain minimum standards regardless of the institution that grants them. The privately derived but popular Carnegie Classification organizes U.S. institutions according to different schemes. For more information, see: http://www.carnegiefoundation.org/Classification/  The U.S. higher education system is characterized by accessibility, diversity, and autonomy and is known for both its size and quality. The federal government has no jurisdiction or authority over the recognition of educational institutions, members of the academic professions, programmes or curricula, or degrees or other qualifications. Nearly all U.S. postsecondary institutions are licensed, or chartered, by a state or municipal government to operate under the ownership of either a government (if public) or a private corporation (if independent), and may be for-profit or not-for-profit enterprises. Religious institutions are considered independent, or private.  Quality assurance is achieved via the system of  voluntary accreditation by specific accrediting agencies that are recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and meet the standards for membership in the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Accreditation is a self-regulating process of quality control engaged in by the U.S. postsecondary education community to ensure minimum standards of academic capability, administrative competence, and to promote mutual recognition of qualifications within the system. Six (6) regional accreditation associations set minimum standards for institutions chartered in the states of their respective jurisdictions. In addition, there are recognized accrediting agencies for specialized institutions and programmes. While all recognized and accredited institutions are licensed or chartered by state governments, states vary greatly in the degree of supervision and quality control that they exercise, and there is relatively limited reciprocity of recognition across state borders. Accreditation by recognized agencies, therefore, remains the primary means of ensuring academic and institutional quality and the mutual acceptance of credits and qualifications across and outside the United States.
Academic year:
Classes from: Sep to: Jun
Languages of instruction: English
Stages of studies:
Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):
Non-university level:
There is no legal distinction between "university level" and "non-university level" higher education. The level of studies is delineated by the level of qualification offered in a specific programme rather than by type of institution offering it. Educational programmes corresponding to "non-university level technical/vocational post-secondary studies" would include all technical and occupational programmes that lead to a degree, diploma or certificate below the Bachelor's degree. Education at this level would include (1) all institutions that only award qualifications under the Bachelor's degree; (2) programmes leading to awards under the Bachelor's degree offered at institutions that also award higher degrees.
Education in the  Republic of Tatarstan
The year of 2010 year has been declared the Year of the Teacher in The Russian Federation as well as in The Republic of Tatarstan.
In Tatarstan, the idea, the content and the directions of the national project "Education" have been welcomed by the society, gaining great popular support.
The plan of main events to realize has been approved of by the order of the RT president Year of the Teacher in the Republic of Tatarstan.
On January 15th, 2010 Solemn start to the Year of the Teacher was solemnly given a start to by the President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev.
As of January 1st, 2010 there were 1903 pre-school educational institutions operating in the Republic of Tatarstan; 162 278 children, ranging from the age of 1 to 7, attending these institutions. The pre-school education coverage is 72% (in 2008 – 71.8%). For elder pre-school children not attending kindergartens, pre-school education on the basis of 249 pre-school educational institutions, 540 schools and 27 additional educational institutions is organized.
At 2298 schools (2205 elementary schools, include 129 branches, 51 school for the children with health disabilities, 30 evening school, 3 sanatorium boarding school, 1 school for the children with deviant behavior and 8 non-state school) 393658 pupils are educated. Profile training is given to 69.2% senior high school students, 97.7% of ninth-graders are trained under the scheme of pre-specialized education.
Considerable attention is paid to defense and sport development. There are 13 boarding cadet school, 3 cadet schools, 1 police cadet school and 1 police lyceum functioning with 4017 pupils training therein.
Since 2009 up till now, the development of the system of national education has been continued.
The Tatar language is taught in 1061 school, Chuvash in 120 educational institutions, Udmurt-41, Mari-21, Mordovian-5, Bashkir-1, and the Jewish language is taught in 1 school.
There are as many as 30 Sunday schools where the 28 languages of the peoples constituting the population of the Republic are taught, to wit Mordovian, Mari, Chuvash, Udmurt, Bashkir, Azerbaijan, Ukrainian, Armenian, Osset, Tadjik, Assyrian, Afghani, Greek, Polish, German, Jewish, Georgian and other languages.
All pupils of educational institutions of RT study the Tatar language.
The quantity of computer equipment allotted to education institutions increases annually. In 2009, it was one computer per pupil. Almost all educational institutions have resource access to the Internet usinghigh-speed technologies of connecting – ADSL or sky-fi.
Mounted in 2005, a campaign directed at supporting of distance education of disabled children in the Republic has been so far carried on which included establishing the Center of distance education of disabled children, providing 252 disabled children with special computer equipment, improving the qualification of 490 pedagogical workers with respect to distance training of disabled children.
There are as many as 1433 libraries functioning in the RT educational institutions.
The environment for developing and utilizing children’s creativity has been created in the Republic of Tatarstan with 221 institutions of additional education for children functioning in which 243483 pupils study and 6923 educational and leisure activity programs in 10 directions are realized, that’s including 1567 programs carried out in the Tatar language, 97 - in the Chuvash, Mari, Udmurt, Mordovian languages. In 2009, 6488 pupils of institutions of additional education of children became the winners and prize-winners of a variety of republican, Russian and international competitions, competitions, reviews, festivals, including 4478 - republican, 1478 - Russian and 532 - the international level.
By quantity of prize-winners and winners of the All-Russia Olympic Games of schoolboys of 2009 the Republic of Tatarstan at 3 place after Moscow and St.-Petersburg: 17 schoolboys became winners and 41 - prize-winners of the All-Russia Olympic Games. The command of schoolboys of republic shows improvement efficiency of participation in the Olympic Games - 54,7% (in 2008 35,9%).
In system of additional and postgraduate education in the Republic of Tatarstan, 267 educational institutions using the programs of professional development, retraining and training of staff, including 116 institutions of additional professional education in structure of high schools, 26 institutions which are carrying out postgraduate education (postgraduate studies, internships and doctoral studies), 125 establishments which are carrying out the programs of an additional education of adults (the centers, associations and others) are operate.
In republic 43 institutions of initial and 103 institutions of intermediate vocational education in which 65117 students are trained function. Including 10 pedagogical educational institutions of intermediate vocational education in which 4858 students on 17 specialties and 29 specializations are trained. With the assistance of pedagogical educational institutions on the beginning of 2009/2010 academic years in 26 municipality formations of the Republic of Tatarstan are created 319 profile pedagogical classes (10 classes - 167, 11 classes - 152) with coverage 1061 trained. In preprofile classes of a pedagogical orientation 895 pupils in 46 classes are trained.
The Republic of Tatarstan is the leader in terms of establishments of the initial and intermediate vocational education getting state support as part of the priority national project "Education"; as many as 23 institutions of vocational training having received support since the inception of the project. The Kazan aerotechnical collegenamed after P.V.Dementyev, Elabuzhskiy polytechnical college, Alekseevsky agrarian college have won it twice.
In the period of 2009 – 2010 years, educational activity in RT is carried out by 23 state high educational institutions and 26 their branches, 14 not-state high educational institutions and 30 their branches. The number of the student contingent is 210499 persons, 160100 of which are taught in the state high schools, 50399-the in not-state ones.
Among high schools - the Kazan state university, one of the longest-operating universities in Russia, (founded in 1804, conferred upon the title of Federal university in 2009), Medical, Technical (given the title of national research university ), Technological, Agrarian, Architecturally-building and Power universities, Academy of veterinary medicine, Conservatory, Financial and Economic institutes and others.
The year of 2009 was marked by two important events in the republic’s life: the establishment of the Privolzhskiy federal university on the basis of the Kazan state university named after V.I.Ulyanov-Lenin and the National research university on the basis of the Kazan state technical university named after A.N.Tupolev. Based on the cooperation of the high schools abovementioned an intensive integration of scientific and educational institutions of the republic and federal districts will commence.
A program supporting talented youths has been operating in the Republic of Tatarstan since 2006. In 2009 the program of grants of Government of RT was realized in 7 directions: "Students, post-graduate students, young scientists", "the Faculty", "Experts in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism", "Design groups on perspective technologies", "the State and municipal employees", "Teachers of English language of educational institutions", "Heads of the high and average link of the enterprises and the organizations". During the 4 years the program has been on realization of the program on more than 1500 persons have been sent to study abroad to the leading educational and science centers of the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, China. Those receiving grants are given the privilege of getting training in spheres deemed in demand in RT: innovative management, computer technologies, bio-nano-technologies, public health services, building, architecture, agriculture, culture, etc.
The graduates of grant programs of the Republic of Tatarstan will contribute the intellectual and creative potential of the nation in the future. (http://1997-2011.tatarstan.ru/?DNSID=4a9c592699b4dd6f20da28a42e1abcf5&node_id=1396)
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